mouse@mcgill-vision.UUCP (der Mouse) (01/31/86)
> Have a look at this one... I know topaz, caip, and seismo, amd cmcl2 > are healthy; probably at least harvard and philabs are clean, too. So, > to me, rclex, adelie, axiom, and linus are questionable. > > tructor. Is it difficult to find someone to teach grownups? > [remainder of article looks OK...] > Romain Kang, Pyramid Technology Corporation > UUCPnet: {allegra,cmcl2,pyramid,topaz}!pyrnj!romain If the munched line is the first line of the article, the problem may have nothing to do with netnews. I have noticed on our system that the tty driver will sometimes drop a partially-typed line without warning or notification. As if you hit the line kill character, except that there's no indication that the line was killed. If you go on typing, everything you type past that point gets remembered, but the rest is gone. Really gone; if you start hitting your erase character you can't erase back past the point at which it dropped your line on the floor. Anyone have any suggestions (this is why this is going to net.bugs.4bsd)? Don't bother suggesting things like "maybe you don't have crtkil set"; if you kill the next line (or the still-extant portion of the same one), it kills normally. Besides, I have locktty set. -- der Mouse USA: {ihnp4,decvax,akgua,etc}!utcsri!mcgill-vision!mouse philabs!micomvax!musocs!mcgill-vision!mouse Europe: mcvax!decvax!utcsri!mcgill-vision!mouse mcvax!seismo!cmcl2!philabs!micomvax!musocs!mcgill-vision!mouse Hacker: One who accidentally destroys / Wizard: One who recovers it afterward