rtb@ihuxi.UUCP (Todd) (01/26/84)
For sale: Naperville area I have a used 10" Texas Instruments color composite monitor for sale. I originally bought it because I needed better resolution than an ordinary TV (it has 40 column resolution, but is better than ANY TV I have seen for text, especially lower case text). I have been using it successfully on an Atari system for over a year,but I am sure that it will work with Commadores,and of course Texas Instruments 99/4's. This monitor must be seen to be appreciated. I am selling it because I now have an IBM system that requires 80 column resolution and RGB. Price: $200.00 Home phone: 312-961-9047 Work phone: 312-979-5034 R. T. Bradstrum AT&T Technologies Naperville Ill