mel@houxm.UUCP (08/20/83)
I haven't the slightest idea what "cog.eng" means, or what topics are appropriate for it (design of trains to go up Mt. Washington ?). However, I have found some of the articles here interesting and worth answering - so keep up what is working. If we can be of even the slightest influence to prevent the marketing clowns (or whoever) from making pink screens or 15 level menus - keep it up. I sit here at an "ergonometricly" designed keyboard "human engineered" to be virtually impossible to use (DEC Rainbow), and enjoy a forum to try an influence others to not make the same errors. I also sit looking at possibly the very best designed 80x24 display screen (DEC Rainbow), and enjoy a forum to try and get future designs to emulate that. So, horray for the articles in net.cog-eng - and foo on "human engineering", "ergonometrics", and other such poppy-cock. Mel Haas , houxm!mel