ryl@ihlts.UUCP (08/31/83)
One simple quasi-standard that was suggested once was to require at least one argument for every command. Typing the command with no arguments gives a three-or-four line use message. This has the advantage of not requiring an extra flag for help, and imposes a kind of consistency across all commands. Some other simple things were to put a prefix on each command in the application (e.g., all commands related to accting would start with acct), and to accept some standard flags on all commands (like -v for verbose). However, these suggestions were entirely too sensible, and therefore never implemented. Long live ls -alphabet, Bob Lied ...ihnp4!ihlts!ryl
ingres@ucbcad.UUCP (09/02/83)
#R:ihlts:-18600:ucbcad:31200001:000:1328 ucbcad!ingres Sep 1 11:44:00 1983 /***** ucbcad:net.cog-eng / ihlts!ryl / 7:57 am Aug 31, 1983*/ One simple quasi-standard that was suggested once was to require at least one argument for every command. Typing the command with no arguments gives a three-or-four line use message. This has the advantage of not requiring an extra flag for help, and imposes a kind of consistency across all commands. Some other simple things were to put a prefix on each command in the application (e.g., all commands related to accting would start with acct), and to accept some standard flags on all commands (like -v for verbose). However, these suggestions were entirely too sensible, and therefore never implemented. Long live ls -alphabet, Bob Lied ...ihnp4!ihlts!ryl /* ---------- */ I see. And what argument would you like me to give to "who"? To "ps"? To "rogue"? The only type of argument in your scheme would be a null operative which only says "do not give me the option list". I would prefer to have a standard way to ask for the option list. Long before Bell programs started using "-" by itself to mean "use standard input", I started to use that in all my programs, but you see what happened. The idea of using "--" for that sounds reasonable. Ken Arnold Of course, the standard method of asking for all the option is "man"...