[net.cog-eng] On Chord Keyboards

willy@utcsrgv.UUCP (W. Buxton) (09/04/83)

Regarding chord keyboards, there are a number of interesting points, yet very
little hard research. Their first use in computer systems (to my knowledge)
was at SRI. This was in work by Engelbart and English, "A Research Centre
for Augmenting Human Intellect", FJCC, 1968, pp395-410. This was, in fact,
the same research project that brought us the mouse. The chord keyboards
at XEROX PARC were from Engelbart's work, and were much like piano keys.
As has been remarked, they did not achieve great popularity.

Just because chording keyboards never caught on is no proof that they
cannot provide powerful solutions to many UI problems. As stated earlier,
however, there is very little compelling evidence in either direction.
Much motivation for chord keyboards is to provide one-handed typing
in cases where the other hand is otherwise occupied (as in using a mouse or tablet).
In such cases, it should be noted that the real issue is one-handed typing,
not chording. Often, where the repertoire of lexemes is low, the desired
result can be obtained without chording. Some one-handed keyboards are
available commercially. One is made by an English company, Maltron, 219
Sycamore Road, Farnsborough, Hampshire, GU14 6RQ, England. Little
experimentation exists, however, to demonstrate how such two-handed, split-
task input compare to more traditional input. Such tests should be run,
and the keystroke model of Card, Moran, and Newell (CACM, 23(7), July 1980,
39pp. 396-410), could be adapted to enable such a comparison to be made. There
is, I should add, as little in the literature concerning two-handed input 
as there is on chording keyboards. One little-cited reference, that gives no
experimental results, but describes an early and effective implementation,
is Pulfer,K. (1971), "Man-Machine Interaction in Creative Applications",
IJMMS, 3, pp. 1-11.

Concerning chording keyboards, themselves, there are a few important parameters
that affect their use:
	o kinesthetics/industrial design: number of buttons, their layout,
	  and action.
	o number of lexemes (especially when considered in combination with
	  the number of distinct keys).
	o the encoding scheme used
	o interference from other concurrent tasks being performed.
There are more, and these are not mutually exclusive. They do, however 
provide the basis for focusing in on some key points. First, the SRI
chord keyboard was designed to be used by either the left or 
right hand. It also, consequently, was not optimal for either. Some
devices have been designed to fit under the ball of the palm,
and have the buttons layed out to recognize the natural curvature of
the finger-tips across the hand. The Swiss mouse is one (that used on
the Blit, available from Logitech, 165 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA,
94301), and a one-handed 6-button portable word processor called the
Microwriter (Microwriter Limited, 31 Southampton Row, London WC1B 5HJ,
England). One advantage to 5 or 6 button chording keysets is that the hand
can effectively always sit on "home-row", so that if you can use them at
all, you can touch-type. This is good for minimising interference with other
tasks, such as pointing, reduces the time for button pushes (a la keystroke
model), but makes the problem of quality of buttons (avoiding false key
depressions since fingers rest on keys), and their placement, critical.

Clearly, the more lexemes that are encoded on a keyset, the more difficult
it is to use. The key cognitive problem with such keysets is that you
CANNOT hunt-and-peck. You must memorize the encodings, and this means
an increased learning curve, errors and slow-down for infrequent characters
or functions, and re-learning problems for casual users. There are also
real problems of how to minimize roll-over problems.

The actual encoding used is critical in minimizing the problems
of learning, retention, and operating error. In encoding text, various
mnemonics have been used. The Microwriter uses several (often which
interfere with one-another, thereby illustrating yet another issue).
For example, the 2 most common characters. 'e' and ' ' are single keys,
index finger and thumb, respectively. This is reasonable, since these
are the strongest fingers. The mnemonic for the letter 's' is derived
from the fact that it is a single key using the ring, or (s for 's' for) Signet
finger. And yet others are based on spatial relationships.
For example, 'L' is encoded with a 3-button chord, index finger, thumb,
and baby finger, representing the 3 vertices of the graph. One example
of how three types of mnemonics can interfere can be seen in considering how
well they transfer from hand to hand. 's' would imply a mirror reflection,
while 'L' wouldn't.
Handedness is, in fact a, a real issue in one-handed key-sets, both among
different users and even for the single user. In the former case, the
problem of handedness is seen in that the keysets should fit the
curvature of the hand used. It can also be seen as an issue, from the
last example, where different mnemonics (and hence documentation) may
be forced depending on handedness. More significant, but less obvious,
is that if no other task is being performed, we will usually do one-
handed keyboard operations with the major hand. Your calculator or
Microwriter would be examples. When using a mouse or tablet, however,
the major hand will nearly always be used for the spatial task, and the
minor hand for the discrete button task. This suggests the potential
for crossing in some cases.

One point to fall out of the previous discussion is to emphasize the
case where the chording button task is performed with the same hand as
the spatial task. An example is in using chording on the buttons of the
tablet puck or the mouse. The puck or mouse should be considered as
a potential chording keyboard. This has, in fact, been practiced at
several sites, including Blit users at Bell Labs. A key point to note
in this regard, however, is the total unsuitability of nearly all
pucks and mice to be used in this way. The optical mouse (regardless
of manufacturer), and the Hawley mouse, for example, have kinesthetic
properties that dictate against such use. The only mouse that lends
itself well to such application is the Swiss mouse, mentioned earlier.
Obviously the trend to one-button mice and pucks is a distaster from
this perspective.

Having experimented with a number of such devices, my suggestion is that
one-handed typing in conjunction with the performance of spatial tasks
has a great future. However, this is only true where the number of
codes to be transmitted is small; cases where the chords are used as
function keys. CAD systems are one type of system that could benefit.
Tring to type alphabetic information (such as text), however, will
not see much use. Try a Microwriter to convince yourself. Finally,
there are two-handed chording keyboards. I have simply not considered them
in this note, as they fit less-well into the framework and motivation of
the discussion.

For those with some more energy, here are a few additional references:

	Rochester, Bequaert & Sharp (1978). "The Chord Keyboard", IEEE
		Computer, December 1978, pp. 57-63.
	Montgomery, E. (1982). "Bringing Manual Input into the 20th
		Century", IEEE Computer, March 1982, pp. 11-18. See
		also follow-up letters in the May and, June & October
		1982 issues.
	Norman & Fisher (1982). "Why Alphabetic Keyboards are not Easy to
		Use: Keyboard Layout Doesn't Much Matter", Human Factors
		(224(5), pp 509-519.
	Noyes, J. (1983). "The QWERTY Keyboard: a Review", IJMMS 18,
		pp. 265-281.

Finally, I would be interested in obtaining photographs and documentation
on any keyboard (chording or otherwise) that people have made in the
course of their work. Any user comments would also be welcome. This is obviously
related to my own research and writing.

					Bill Buxton
					University of Toronto
					Toronto, Ontario
					Canada M5S 1A4

jfarrell@sun.UUCP (Jerry Farrell) (09/05/83)

Buxton's note was a welcome injection of facts & prior research into the
discussion;  thank you, Bill.

I think two of his points about mice and chording deserve further discussion:

It's true the dePraz (Swiss, ~hemispherical) mouse is well set up for
chording its buttons.  (The mouse is designed to be grasped with the whole
hand in a grip which leaves the index, middle and ring fingers over the
3 buttons on its front edge.)  Unfortunately, this aspect of its design
conflicts with the mouse's use as a pointing device
   -	the grip required is the "power grip";  it requires the large
	muscles of the upper arm to move the mouse, and loses the
	precision manipulation and pointing capabilities of the fingers.
   -	the buttons are pushed in a plane parallel to the surface the mouse
	rests on;  this makes it likely the mouse will be moved from its
	position by the act of pushing the button.

His assertion that other mice (Hawley, Kirsh, etc.) are not suited to chording
needs qualification.  It's true that getting all 8 boolean combinations from
3 buttons is impractical if the mouse is only held in the fingers;  the little
finger is too weak to keep the mouse stable, and move it comfortably.  But
two-finger combinations can and have been used effectively.  When NS-8000's
with their 2-button mice replaced Altos in Xerox' development environment,
it didn't take long before chording both buttons within n ms. was made an
optional equivalent for pressing the missing middle button, even though that meant
processing of >every< mouse button-push had to be delayed for those n ms.
Similarly, Sun's window system uses two-finger chording as an expert-option
for some common operations that are also available by a longer one-finger
sequence.  In both these contexts, the mouse is gripped between the thumb
on the inside and the little & ring fingers on the outside;  the other two fingers
are free to range over the buttons.  The heel of the palm rests on the table behind
the mouse, which is moved almost entirely with the wrist and fingers  --
canonical "precision grip."