[net.cog-eng] Long Names vs. Pop-Up Menus

jfarrell@sun.UUCP (Jerry Farrell) (11/29/83)

Laura has discovered the reason why [at least] I usually "n" my way through
most of the net.cog-eng discussions:  they are often predicated on hard-
ware assumptions that are a) old b) needlessly stifling.  In particular,
discussions of the time it takes to get from one menu context to another
are evaluated much differently when you are talking about bit-blitting a
new patch to the screen & inverting the item under the mouse, etc.

Curiously, however, many of the same issues are controversial in the new
context; you just can't carry your old intuitions over.  For instance,
erox' Star took a lot of flak when first introduced because features
intentionally included in the user interface to make it easy to use (for
novices and casual users) got in the way of more experienced users,
especially by slowing them down.  Lisa seems to have suffered some of the
same fate.  o question of long names here, but definitely one of
trading user processing for machine cycles in order to find an optimum
mix for the user task.

In a similar vein, long names can be a problem in fancy bit-mapped
environments; but the critical resource is display acreage, not keystrokes.

I have no moral to draw.  I do have a request:  what studiies I have seen
that bear on these issues are very fragmentary and spottily applicable.
or instance, I have heard that visual feedback which follows within about
10 ms of a muscle action is likely to be associated with that action, but
that longer delays break the association.  This has obvious implications
for design criteria for mouse- or stylus- selection schemes (picking, for
you CORE afficionados) -- any scheme too baroque to give feedback within
a hundreth of a second isn't worth it.  But that's a pretty isolated
result (assuming I've even remembered it accurately).  What other data
are there that would help a user interface designer choose a reasonable
compromise between user ease & machine respoonsiveness?  What are the
cognitive costs of delayed response from processors?  are there thresh-
holds or other non-linearities?  Is there a plausible categorization of
tasks according to how tolerant they are of delays?  Bibliographies & other
leads gratefully accepted.

[Errata: several places where a fat finger got the Control key instead of Shift:
Read "Xerox' Star" in the 3rd line of the 2nd par, "No question" 4 lines
below that, and "For instance" in the 3rd line of the 4th par.  Sorry.]
