[net.cog-eng] Eye control device for computerrs

robertj@tektronix.UUCP (Robert Jaquiss) (09/26/84)

Does anyone know of vendors who make eye control devices for micros?
I am interested in either the type of devices that track the eyes by corneal
reflection or the kind that monitor electrical impulses from the eye muscles.
If I get enough info I will summarize for the net thank you.
Robert S. Jaquiss Jr.
ucbvax!tektronix!robertj (uucp)
robert jaquiss@tektronix (csnet)
robert jaquiss.tektronix@rand-relay (arpanet)
(503) 627-6346 (audio phone at work)

knutson@ut-ngp.UUCP (Jim Knutson) (09/28/84)

Atari has a new video game for there 7200 (?) called Mindset (?) that
uses eye movement and some special glasses to control it.  I haven't
actually seen this.  Just a blurb in a magazine.

seaburg@uiucdcs.UUCP (10/01/84)

Page 11 of the Human Factors Society Bulletin, Vol. 27, #8 has an ad
from a company who sells such equipment (I think -- I'm no expert.) 

"For more information, call or write:

	A. Dallal, Director of Marketing

	Applied Science Laboratories
	335 Bear Hill Road
	Waltham, Massachusetts 02154"

Gunnar P. Seaburg
Engineering Psychology Research Lab
Univ. of Illinois