lipman@decwrl.UUCP (02/21/84)
Message-Id: <> Date: Monday, 20 Feb 1984 13:40:50-PST From: amber::chabot (Lisa Chabot) To: net.women.only Subject: Help! I need argument fuel! Once, while trying to fill in a boyfriend about some of the past of my housemates and our friends, in order that he might avoid future faux pas, (or maybe I was just gossiping) I related a tale involving a woman attempting to attract a man who was involved with a good friend of hers. He responded with a snort "Yeah, you see, men would NEVER do such a thing." I suspect it was a sensitive issue, since it was something he'd painfully avoided doing. But. I couldn't think of a counterexample. And boy, did I feel crummy. I mean, did that mean that only women are evil snakes? Does this mean we think of The Other Woman as an evil snake? Does anybody have any counterexamples? I don't want names or dates or even plots. I don't want gossip, I'd like some reinforcement. From women only, of course. Lisa S. Chabot UUCP: ...{ decvax | allegra | ucbvax }!decwrl!rhea!amber!chabot ARPA: ...decwrl!rhea!amber!chabot@{ Berkeley | SU-Shasta } USFail: DEC, MR03-1/K20, 2 Iron Way, Marlboro, MA 01752 shadow: ...{ decvax | allegra | ucbvax }!decwrl!rhea!avalon!chabot