[net.micro.6809] Info on Star-DOS?

danm@mspiggy (Dan McCabe) (09/26/83)

I had a chance to look at the documantation for Star-DOS, an alternative
CoCo DOS from Star-Kits (written by Peter Stark).  It has a Flex-like
shell and DOS interface (from assembler code), but uses a file structure
which is compatible with RS's Disk Color Basic.  He claims that most Flex
software can run under Star-DOS (there is a utility to convert Flex binaries
to Star-DOS binaries).  If this product is as good as his other products
(I have yet to read a bad review on anything from Star-Kits), it should
be good.

What I want to know is if anyone out in netland has any experience with
Star-DOS?  If you send your comments to me, I will summarize on the net
(or send your comments directly to the net).


				Happy Hacking,
				Dan McCabe