[net.micro.6809] S. Dyer's add-on board for Coco

knudsen@ihnss.UUCP (11/04/83)

While you're at it, Steve, let's include a programmable timer
or two, with interrupt capability, so we can set up intervals
other than 16.7 ms and 54 us (like 125 us for us music/speech synthesis
freaks).  Use a 6522 for the parallel ports and you get two timers free.
Of course the UARTs are the most sorely-needed feature.
One of the expansion-chassis makers sells a CMOS time-of-day cartridge,
but it ain't cheap.  The more stuff you cram on one board, the cheaper
it should all be.
	How about a replacement disk controller with real DMA?
mike k