[net.micro.6809] Need Coco Info

mason@utcsrgv.UUCP (Dave Mason) (11/17/83)

I'm considering buying a Coco to write games/etc. for sale and I would
appreciate any info available:
1) Is the Coco a good choice? (I'm probably talking to the converted, so it's
   not clear I'll get a useful answer to this one, but if you have any
   particular reasons for your answer, I'd be interested.)
2) Is there any real advantage to the Extended Basic (apart from convenience)?
   i.e. is there anything you can do with extended that you can't do with
   normal?  Does it justify the $110 difference in price? (45% higher)  I
   am planning on using C and OS-9, so this is mostly academic.
3) How large an address space is allocated to the cartridge?  Could I put
   some NVRAM on the cartridge as well as rom?
4) Any idea how much a cartridge costs to make? set-up? incremental?
5) Would requiring a joystick/mouse significantly reduce my market?
6) How good are the games available compared to Atari or Commodore?  If not
   as good, is it because of some design defect of the Coco?
Thanks, any and all info appreciated.  If I get sufficient requests, will
summarize to the net.
 -- Dave Mason, U. Toronto CSRG,