[net.micro.6809] OS9 directory sorter -- basic09 source

strick@gatech.UUCP (08/13/84)

Here's a quick basic09 program to sort the files in a directory by
name.  Makes dirs more readable.  Try it first on a disk
with NOTHING important on it, because if either you or I make
a mistake typing this in, it'll fry the directory.  The
program is not very efficient (uses StupidSort) but it does
the job.  It takes approx 40 seconds to sort 40 filenames.
Empty slots are sorted to the bottom so new files added to the
directory will show up at the bottom of the dir.

PROCEDURE sortdir                       comments:
  TYPE dent = e(32) : BYTE                dir entries are 32 bytes
  DIM d(100), t : dent                    up to 100 entries       
  DIM p : BYTE
  INPUT "Directory to sort > ", path$
  OPEN #p, path$ : UPDATE + DIR
  PRINT "Directory open."  
  I = 1
    GET #p, d(i)                          read in the dir file
    i = i + 1
  numrec = i - 1
  PRINT numrec; " records"
  FOR d1=3 to numrec-1                    very stupid bubble sort
    FOR d2=3 to numrec-1
      x=d2 \ y=d2+1                       x & y are inputs to sub500
      GOSUB 500                           compares entries          
      IF z=1 THEN                         z is output from sub500
        t=d(x) \ d(x)=d(y) \ d(y)=t       swap entries
    NEXT d2
    print ".";                                                   
  NEXT d1
  SEEK #p,0                               rewind directory
  FOR i=1 to numrec
    PUT #p,d(i)                           write sorted dir out
  NEXT i
  CLOSE #p
  PRINT "done."

500 REM comparison subroutine             a dir entry is 29 bytes of name
  REM input x,y indexes to compare          and 3 bytes of i-node.  We will
  REM output z= if d(x)<d(y) then 0         treat it as 32 bytes all the
  REM                        else 1         same.                       
  IF d(x).e(1)=0 THEN                     empy slots start with 0 byte;
    z=0 \ RETURN \ ENDIF                      sort them to bottom.        
  FOR i=1 to 32                           pass thru names until   
    a=d(x).e(i) \ b=d(y).e(i)               you find a difference.     
    IF a>127 THEN a=a-128 \ ENDIF
    IF b>127 THEN b=b-128 \ ENDIF
      z=0 \ ENDEXIT                       right order -- dont swap
  EXITIF a>b THEN                                                  
      z=1 \ ENDEXIT                       wrong order -- must swap  
  NEXT i
Henry Strickland
The Clouds Project, School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	Strick @ GATech		ARPA:	Strick.GATech @ CSNet-Relay
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