[net.micro.6809] 128k mod...Rainbow style

paulba@tekgvs.UUCP (Paul Barton) (01/16/85)

( junk line )

	In the December 1984 isue of Rainbow magazine there was an
article for adding another 64k to a coco.  I will be adding this
mod to my coco, plus probably another 128k on top of that.
My coco has been modified to include Address, Data, Read-Write, E, Q
buffers for the 6809.  So the bus is strong enough to handle
the additional load.  The SAM can handle 4 banks of ram according
to the specification sheet.
I did not get that issue of the magazine, but received the
schematic for the modification.  I would like the program that
accompanied the schematic.

1.	Has anyone added this mod ?
2.	If you have done this, do you like it ?
3.	Have you used this extra memory for a ram-disk, etc. ?

					paulba @ tekgvs