[net.micro.6809] benchmark

dibble@rochester.UUCP (Peter C. Dibble) (06/02/85)

The following benchmark program appeared in net.micro a while ago.
I took it home and changed it into basic09.  
*** Original program

>5 TIME$="00:00:00"
>10 FOR X=1 TO 10000
>20 IF SQR(X)<>INT(SQR(X)) THEN 40
>40 NEXT X
>50 END

*** Modified program
procedure bnchmark
print date$
for x=1 to 10000
   if sqrt(x) = int(sqrt(x)) then print sqrt(x),
next x
print date$

Now, I know that it isn't fair to compare Basic09 to a standard basic
but I remember an experiment some time ago where a CoCo seemed about
as fast as an IBM-PC.  Here are the results I collected from net.micro

>NOTE:  This program also is an accuracy test, the correct results are
>the numbers from 1 to 100.  The TRS-80, Apple, HP, C64 can't do it
>right (they miss about 20 numbers).
>The time for the 6 MHz IBM-AT is 1 min, 13 sec
>The time for the standard 5 MHz Z-100 is 1 min, 13 sec
>The time for a turboed 7.37 MHz Z-100 is 49 sec
>The time for the newly released 8MHz Z-100 would be better still.

And from another sourse:

>COMPUTER       VERSION               OUTPUT DIRECTED TO            TIME
>========       =======               ==================            ====
>IBM-PC         256K                       screen                   3:19
>Sanyo          STANDARD                   screen                   4:37
>               with Sanyo Basic
>Sanyo          VIDEO BOARD                screen                   1:44
>               with GW-Basic
>Sanyo          VIDEO BOARD                printer                  1:40
>               with GW-Basic

And my result?

For Basic09 on my 2Mhz 6809 Gimix running under OS-9 Level Two the time is 1:26.
For Level One it should be just a hair faster.
(I got all the numbers)

I took a stab at the benchmarks someone from Motorolla posted, but I
bet it's even more trouble for ME fussing with address spaces to reach all
the memory (over 64K) the benchmark need than it is for 80*8* programmers.
I gave up.