[net.micro.6809] Public Domain utility program

dml@loral.UUCP (Dave Lewis) (10/18/85)

--> line eater choker <--

  Here's a program that can save some time and finger wear. It runs fine on a
Color Computer using OS-9 level 1 version 1.01.00 -- can't vouch for anything
else but it should work on any system. It's great for making a new OS9Boot
file or working on a combined device driver/device descriptor file.

  Assemble using the Microware OS-9 assembler. Give it at least 10K of symbol

------ Assembly listing starts here------
* This sourcecode listing is released to public domain by
*     Dave Lewis  San Diego CA   October 16, 1985
* It may be copied and used for any purpose EXCEPT for sale. I'm
*   not getting paid for writing it -- don't try to get paid for
*   copying it.
* Utility to break a multiple-module file (like OS9Boot) into its
*   component modules and store them as separate files in a
*   specified or default directory.
* Usage:  Separate /Dn/DIRECTORY/filename /Dn/DIRECTORY
* Modules are stored in destination directory under their module
*   names. Ensure there are no existing files with the same name
*   as any of the modules.
	 NAM Separate
	 TTL Module separator
	 USE /D0/DEFS/OS9Defs
REV      EQU 1
NAME     FCS 'Separate'
	 FCB 1 Version number
INPATH   RMB 1 Input file path number
OUTPATH  RMB 1 Output file path number
FILEPTR  RMB 2 Address of output filename
EOBUFPTR RMB 2 Buffer end address
EOMEMPTR RMB 2 Data memory end address
MODSIZE  RMB 2 Bytes still to be written
MODPTR   RMB 2 Disk file position pointer
OPTHLST  RMB 60 Output pathlist buffer
DATABUF  RMB 700 Module data buffer
	 RMB 232 Reserve stack space
	 RMB 20 Reserve parameter area
EXEC     STY EOMEMPTR End of allocated memory
	 LEAY DATABUF+700 Find end of data buffer
	 STY EOBUFPTR Store end address
	 CLR MODPTR Zero out module offset point-
	 CLR MODPTR+1   er; start at BOF
         LDA #READ. Access mode = read
	 OS9 I$OPEN Open input file
	 BCS SPEXIT Exit if error
	 STA INPATH Store input path number
	 LEAY OPTHLST,U Get pathlist buffer address
FINDPATH CMPX EOMEMPTR Test X for end of memory
	 BHS NOPATH No pathlist, use working dir
	 LDA ,X+ Get next character
	 CMPA #'/ Test for pathname start
	 BSR ALPHTEST Test for letter (UC or lc)
	 BNE FINDPATH Not a letter; keep looking
FOUNDPTH LEAX -1,X Set X back to character
MOVEPATH LDA ,X+ Get next character
	 CMPA #C$CR Test character for `CR' or
	 BEQ MPEXIT   blank; either indicates
	 CMPA #C$SPAC   the end of a pathlist.
	 STA ,Y+ Add character to outpathlist
	 CMPX EOMEMPTR Test for end of parameter
	 BLO MOVEPATH   memory; can't go past it
MPEXIT   LDA #'/ Prepare pathlist for addition
	 STA ,Y+   of a filename
NOPATH   STY FILEPTR Save pointer to next byte
	 BSR GETMOD Do all modules of input file
SPEXIT   OS9 F$EXIT End; pass any errors out
ALPHTEST TFR A,B Don't change letter in A
	 ANDB #$DF Change lowercase to uppercase
	 CMPB #'A Test for less than an `A'
	 CMPB #'Z Test for greater than a `Z'
	 CLRB Return w/Z flag set if alpha
GETMOD   LDA INPATH Read from input file
	 LEAX DATABUF,U Point to data buffer
	 LDY #9 Read first 9 bytes (header)
	 OS9 I$READ Does not change X register
	 BCC GETMOD2 Continue if no error
	 CMPB #E$EOF Test for end-of-file error
	 BNE GMEXIT1 End of file just means you're
	 CLRB   done; other errors are real
GETMOD2  LDD DATABUF Load first two bytes of file
	 CMPD #M$ID12   and test for module ID
	 BEQ GETMOD3 Continue if ID good
	 COMB Set carry flag for error
	 LDB #E$BMID Set error code
GETMOD3  LDD DATABUF+2 Load module size
	 STD MODSIZE Store as variable
	 LDD DATABUF+4 Load module name offset
	 PSHS U Save U
	 LDU MODPTR Get module offset in file
	 LEAU D,U Add name offset in module
	 LDX #0 MS 16 bits of file position
	 LDA INPATH Position file pointer on
	 OS9 I$SEEK   first byte of module name
         PULS U Restore U register
	 BCC GETMOD4 Continue if no error
	 LDY #32 Module name can't exceed
	 LDA INPATH   32 characters
	 OS9 I$READ Read module name
	 BCS GMEXIT2 Exit if error
	 LDY FILEPTR Point to destination
MOVLOOP  LDA ,X+ Move name to pathlist buffer
	 STA ,Y+
	 TSTA Test for last character --
	 BPL MOVLOOP   MSB will be set
	 ANDA #$7F Clear MSB
	 STA -1,Y Store corrected character
	 LDA #C$CR Terminate line
	 STA ,Y
	 LEAX OPTHLST,U Point to pathlist
	 LDB #$F Attributes: r w e pr
	 LDA #WRITE. Access mode
	 OS9 I$CREATE Create and open output file
	 BCS GMEXIT2 Exit if error
	 STA OUTPATH Store path number
	 PSHS U Save U
	 LDU MODPTR Point to start of module
	 LDX #0 MS 16 bits of file pointer
	 LDA INPATH Path number
	 OS9 I$SEEK Position file pointer
	 PULS U Restore U
	 BCS GMEXIT2 Exit if error
	 LDD MODPTR Module offset in file
	 ADDD MODSIZE Length of module
	 STD MODPTR Point to next module in file
MODLOOP  STD MODSIZE Store updated module size
	 CMPD #700 Is it bigger than buffer?
	 BLS LOADALL No, read it all
	 LDD #700 Fill the buffer
LOADALL  TFR D,Y Y contains #bytes to read
	 PSHS D Save #bytes to be read
	 LEAX DATABUF,U Point to start of buffer
	 LDA INPATH Get input path number
	 OS9 I$READ Read data
	 BCS GMEXIT3 Exit if read error
	 CMPY ,S Were intended number of bytes
	 BEQ GETMOD5   actually read?
	 COMB If not, report it as a
	 LDB #E$READ   read error
GMEXIT3  PULS Y,PC Pull and return
GETMOD5  LDA OUTPATH Get output path number
	 OS9 I$WRITE Write same number of bytes
	 BCS GMEXIT4 Exit if error
	 CMPY ,S Were correct number of
	 BEQ GETMOD6   bytes written?
	 COMB If not, report a write
	 LDB #E$WRITE   error
GMEXIT4  PULS Y,PC Pull and return
GETMOD6  LDD MODSIZE Get total size of module
	 SUBD ,S++ Subtract bytes just processed
	 BNE MODLOOP More of this module remains
	 LDA OUTPATH Get output path number
	 OS9 I$CLOSE Close output file
	 LBCC GETMOD Process next module
	 RTS If error, exit
	 EMOD CRC bytes
SIZE     EQU *

		Dave Lewis    Loral Instrumentation   San Diego

                !sdcc3 ---\
                !sdcc6 ---->--- !loral!dml  (uucp)
                !sdcsvax -/

"Always put your clothes and weapons where you can find them quickly
 in the dark" -- Lazarus Long.

dml@loral.UUCP (Dave Lewis) (10/24/85)


Found two bugs that sneaked into the program in copying the listing. The
first bug is on the 66th line of the listing (don't count the info above
the program heading) four lines after the label `FINDPATH':

>     BEQ FOUNDPATH  --- change to

      BEQ FOUNDPTH  as it was more than 8 characters.

The other bug is on lines 150 --> 152 just above label `MODLOOP':


   and must be changed to:

      LDX MODPTR Module offset in file
      LDD MODSIZE Length of module
      LEAX D,X Compute offset to next module
      STX MODPTR Point to next module in file

Sorry about posting it with mistakes. Hope nobody blew up their operating
systems with it.

		Dave Lewis    Loral Instrumentation   San Diego

    ihnp4 ---\    !sdcc6 ---\
    sdcrdcf -->-->!sdcc3 ---->--->!loral!dml  (uucp)
    sdcsvax -/    !sdcsvax -/

"Always put your clothes and weapons where you can find them quickly
 in the dark" -- Lazarus Long.