shawn@mit-eddie.UUCP (Shawn McKay) (11/28/85)
[Do people still have lineater problems?] Greetings, I wonder if someone could tell if the /P device is the same device as the 'Serial I/O' plug on the back of the Coco-2? I can't seem to hook up a terminal to it, for use with OS-9. I would like to use my VT52 terminal to speak to the coco via the serial port but don't seem to be very lucky. I have the female RS-232 DB25 connected rigged to a 4 plug DIN plug and have the following wires going through: DIN DB25 --- ---- 4 8 CD 3 2 RD 2 7 GND 1 3 TD The DIN I have is set up so that pin marked 4, is going to the pin 1 position on the coco. I'm using an audio DIN plug. I am also using the below commands to OS9. OS9: xterm /P baud=3 OS9: tsmon /P & Also have tried: OS9: xterm /T1 baud=3 OS9: tsmon /T1 & (This one crashes the system -- Hangs so only reset will unhang it) Any help in fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated. All I have for hardware is the 64K coco, and one floppy drive. The use of my vt52 would make life much easier. I am making use of a black and white TV, and the bottom line for some reason, is below the plastic. Hence, if I don't fix this, I have to type an 'echo ^L' after every command. Thanks again. -- Shawn Uucp: mit-eddie!shawn Arpa: Shawn at Mit-Mc