[net.micro.6809] OS9Gen, double sided boot disks

dml@loral.UUCP (Dave Lewis) (01/16/86)


  Here is my new version of OS9Gen. It will work equally well on single-
or double-sided disks. Use it just like the old version.

  If you anticipate your bootfile will run over 16 Kbytes, change the value
of BOOTSECT to more sectors than you expect your bootfile to need. This
program hunts for enough free space for the bootfile BEFORE writing it, so
you won't get any disks cluttered up with a useless, fragmented bootfile.

  I have also rewritten Cobbler.

*           Copyright 1985 by Dave Lewis.
* UUCP address is loral!dml; in S. Cal. use ihnp4!sdcc3!loral
* I'm releasing this program to public domain. Copy it, share
*   it, but don't you DARE sell it! I worked hard on it. Include
*   this header with all copies.
* If you like this program, send me 5 bucks to encourage me to
*   write more stuff - or at least to release it. If you send
*   me 10 bucks I'll send you a good (Dysan) double side disk
*   formatted 35 track single side with both sourcecode and
*   executable binary files of the following:
*   - NewDisk -- single or double sided disks, any number of
*       tracks within reason, step rate set in device descriptor
*   - OS9Gen -- rewritten version that automatically senses for
*       single/double sided disk and puts all the boot data in
*       the right places. Also enters the kernel file in the
*       root directory, which makes Dcheck happy.
*   - Separate -- breaks up your bootfile into its component
*       modules for modification. Replace or remove any module
*       individually.
*   - Diskdescr -- sourcecode for an OS-9 disk device descriptor
*       with EQUates at the beginning for step rate, #tracks,
*       and single or double sided.
*   - Documentation and procedure files for installing all of
*       the above in most common system configurations.
*   - Other stuff I've written that you may find useful.
*   Send to:
*             Dave Lewis
*             4417 Idaho  Apt. 4
*             San Diego CA 92116
*  OS9Gen2 copyright 1986 by Dave Lewis
*  Released to public domain January, 1986
*  Rewritten OS9Gen utility for single or double sided system
*    disks.
*  Usage: OS9Gen /Dn
*    reads filenames from stdin, combining files into OS9Boot
*    file on target disk
         NAM OS9Gen
         TTL System disk generator
*  Copyright 1986 by Dave Lewis
*                4417 Idaho apt. 4
*                San Diego, CA 92116
*  Released to public domain January, 1986
         USE /D0/DEFS/OS9Defs
         USE /D0/DEFS/SCFDefs
         USE /D0/DEFS/RBFDefs
REV      EQU 2
VERSION  EQU 1 Version of OS-9 to generate
BOOTSECT EQU 64 Free space to hunt for
         IFEQ VERSION-2
KERNSECT EQU 18 Number of sectors for kernel
KERNADDR EQU $ED00 Address of kernel in memory
KERNSIZE EQU $1200 Size of kernel
KERNSECT EQU 15 Number of sectors for kernel
KERNADDR EQU $F000 Kernel address in memory
KERNSIZE EQU $F00 Size of kernel file
NAME     FCS 'OS9Gen' Still the same module name
         FCB $01 Version number
MEMPTR   RMB 2 Memory origin pointer
DEVPATH  RMB 1 /Dn@ path number
TEMPPATH RMB 1 Temporary file path number
SRCPTHNM RMB 1 Source file path number
DBLSIDE  RMB 1 Nonzero for double sided disk
TRACKNUM RMB 1 Current track number
FREESECT RMB 1 Free sectors to find
SECTOR.N RMB 1 Sector number in track
BOOTSIZE RMB 2 Cumulative size of bootfile
SEGMENT  RMB 2 Pointer to segment entry
TRACKEND RMB 2 Bytes left in current track
DEVICEND RMB 2 End of device name
FDS.LSN  RMB 3 File Descriptor sector #
PATHBUF  RMB 32 Pathlist buffer
PATHOPTS RMB 20 File path options buffer
PTHOPTFD RMB 30 File Descriptor sector number
GPBUFFER RMB 16 Main data buffer - 1Kbyte
SEG1PTR  RMB 10 Segment 1 LSN of FD
         RMB 280 Stack space
         RMB 120 Parameter area
         FCC 'Use (CAUTION): OS9GEN </devname>'
         FCB C$LF
         FCC ' ..reads (std input) pathnames '
         FCB C$LF
         FCC 'until EOF, combining files'
         FCB C$LF
         FCC 'into new OS9Boot file.'
         FCB C$CR
CANTFIND FCC "Can't find: "
         FCB C$CR
         FCC 'Error writing kernel track'
         FCB C$CR
         FCC 'Warning - file(s) or kernel'
         FCB C$LF
         FCC 'present on track 34 - this'
         FCB C$LF
         FCC 'track not rewritten.'
         FCB C$CR
         FCC 'ERROR - not enough contiguous '
         FCC 'free space for OS9boot file'
         FCB C$CR
         FCB 0
         FCB C$CR,0
EXEC     STU MEMPTR Save start of memory pointer
         LDA #'/ Test first character of args
         CMPA ,X   for device name
         BNE PARAMERR Error if not a device name
         OS9 F$PRSNAM Parse the name
         BCS PARAMERR Error if name is bad
         LDA #'/ Test for more of pathlist
         CMPA ,Y
         BNE MOVEARG Move device name to buffer
PARAMERR LEAX USEOS9G,PCR Point to error string
         LBRA COMPLAIN Write out error and quit
MOVEARG  LEAY PATHBUF,U Point to pathlist buffer
MOVLOOP1 STA ,Y+ Move device name into the
         LDA ,X+   pathlist buffer
         DECB  Length from PARSE NAME call
         BPL MOVLOOP1 Move the whole thing
         STY DEVICEND Save end of device name
         LDD #$4020 '@ in A and C$SPACE in B
         STD ,Y Store it after device name
         LEAX PATHBUF,U Point to pathname buffer
         LDA #UPDAT. Access mode: read and write
         OS9 I$OPEN Open the entire disk
         BCS PARAMERR Error if can't open
         STA DEVPATH Save path number
         LBSR READSECT Read identification sector
         LDA SEG1PTR Get disk format byte
         ANDA #1 Bit zero is set if disk
         STA DBLSIDE   is double sided
         LBSR READSECT Read allocation sector #1
         LDX #$264 Track 34, sector 1
         TST DBLSIDE If disk is single sided, use
         BEQ T34FREE1   logical sector #264
         LDX #$4C8 Track 68, sector 1
T34FREE1 STX TRACKEND Save logical sector number
         LDA #KERNSECT Look for free sectors
         STA FREESECT Set sector counter
T34FREE2 LBSR SECTINFO Identify sector
         BITA ,Y Test for free
         LBNE KERNWARN Warn if not free
         ORA ,Y Mark sector as allocated
         STA ,Y Store updated byte
         LEAX 1,X Count sector just tested
         DEC FREESECT Test for done
         BNE T34FREE2 Continue until done
         LDX TRACKEND Get logical sector number
         LBSR SEEKSECT Seek to start of sector
         LDX #KERNADDR Point to kernel in memory
         LDY #KERNSIZE Bytes to be written
         OS9 I$WRITE Write kernel data
         BCS ERR.KERN Quit if error
         LDX #1 Seek to first sector of
         LBSR SEEKSECT   disk allocation map
         LBSR WRITSECT Write updated allocation map
         LEAY KERNELFN,PCR Point to kernel file name
         LDX DEVICEND Point to end of device name
         LDA #'/ Prepare to extend pathlist
MOVLOOP2 STA ,X+ Move `Kernel ' into pathlist
         LDA ,Y+   buffer
         BNE MOVLOOP2 Stop at the null
         LBSR NAMEFILE Make a file descriptor
         LDX FDS.LSN+1 Seek to start of file
         BSR SEEKSECT   descriptor sector
         LEAX PATHOPTS,U Point to buffer
         LDY #32 Bytes to be read
         LDA DEVPATH Get path number
         OS9 I$READ Read part of descriptor
         BCS ERR.KERN Quit if error
         LDD TRACKEND Get kernel file sector number
         STD PATHOPTS+17 First segment sector number
         LDD #KERNSIZE Size of Kernel file
         STD PATHOPTS+11 File size
         STA PTHOPTFD Size of first segment
         LDX FDS.LSN+1 File descriptor sector number
         BSR SEEKSECT Seek to start of sector
         LEAX PATHOPTS,U Point to descriptor data
         LDY #32 Bytes to write
         LDA DEVPATH Path number
         OS9 I$WRITE Set up kernel file descriptor
         LBCC MAIN2 Continue if no error
ERR.KERN LEAX KERNERR,PCR Point to error string
COMPLAIN LDY #255 Real long strings
FILERROR LDA #2 Outpath: stderr
         OS9 I$WRITLN Write out the message
QUIT     OS9 F$EXIT Quit
READSECT LDA DEVPATH Get /Dn@ path number
         LDY #$100 One sector
READFILE LEAX GPBUFFER,U Point to data buffer
         OS9 I$READ Read the data
         BCS QUIT.SUB Quit if error
SECTINFO TFR X,D Get sector number
         LSRA Divide sector number by 8
         RORB   to get byte offset into
         LSRA   sector allocation map
         LEAY GPBUFFER,U Point to allocation map
         LEAY D,Y Offset into allocation map
         CLR ,-S Push a zero on the stack
         TFR X,D Get sector number
FINDTRAK INC ,S Increment track number
         SUBD #18 Subtract sectors in one track
         BPL FINDTRAK Loop until negative
         ADDB #18 Restore sector number
         DEC ,S Compensate for extra count
         STB SECTOR.N Store sector number
         TFR X,D Get sector number again
         LDA #$80 Bit 7 set
         ANDB #7 Mask off upper 5 bits
         BEQ BITSEVEN Skip loop if zero
FINDBIT  LSRA Indicate bit corresponding
         DECB   to current sector
         BNE FINDBIT
BITSEVEN PULS B,PC Pull and return
SEEKSECT CLR ,-S Push a zero on stack
         PSHS X Push logical sector number
         CLR ,-S Push a zero on stack
         PULS X,U Pull file position pointer
         LDA DEVPATH Get /Dn@ path number
         OS9 I$SEEK Position file pointer
         LDU MEMPTR Restore U!
         BCC RETURN Return if no error
QUIT.SUB LEAS 2,S Quit from within a subroutine
         BRA QUIT
NAMEFILE LEAX PATHBUF,U Point to pathname buffer
         LDD #$203 Access: write  Attribs: r w
         OS9 I$CREATE Create file
         BCS QUIT.SUB Quit if error
         STA TEMPPATH Save path number
         LEAX PATHOPTS,U Point to path options buffer
         LDB #SS.OPT Get Options code
         OS9 I$GETSTT Read path descriptor options
         BCS QUIT.SUB Quit if error
         LDA PTHOPTFD Get LSN of File Descriptor
         STA FDS.LSN Store it
         LDD PTHOPTFD+1 There's three bytes so
         STD FDS.LSN+1   get all of them
         LDA TEMPPATH Get path number
         OS9 I$CLOSE Close the file
         BCS QUIT.SUB Quit if error
         LDX FDS.LSN+1 Get logical sector number of
         BSR SECTINFO   file descriptor just
         ORA ,Y   created and mark that
         STA ,Y   sector as allocated
WRITSECT LDY #$100 Bytes in one sector
WRITFILE LEAX GPBUFFER,U Point to data buffer
         LDA DEVPATH Get /Dn@ path number
         OS9 I$WRITE Write the data
         BCS QUIT.SUB Quit if error
KERNWARN LEAX TK34NFRE,PCR Point to warning message
         LDY #255 Long string
         LDA #2 Output path: stderr
         OS9 I$WRITLN Print out message
         LBCS QUIT Quit if error
MAIN2    LDX DEVICEND Point to end of device name
         LEAY OS9BOOT,PCR Point to `OS9Boot' string
         LDA #'/ Prepare to extend pathlist
MOVLOOP3 STA ,X+ Move `OS9Boot' into
         LDA ,Y+   pathlist buffer
         BNE MOVLOOP3 String terminated with NULL
         LEAX PATHBUF,U Point to start of buffer
         OS9 I$DELETE Delete any existing bootfile
         BSR NAMEFILE Create a file descriptor
         LDX #0 Start at sector 0
FINDFREE LEAY PATHOPTS,U Point to segment list area
         LDB #49 Number of bytes -1
WIPELOOP CLR B,Y Clear out segment list
         DECB Count one byte
         BPL WIPELOOP Continue through zero
         LDB #BOOTSECT Number of free sectors to find
         STB FREESECT Set free sector counter
FINDFR.2 STY SEGMENT Save pointer to segment
         STX 1,Y Store first sector number
FINDFR.3 LBSR SECTINFO Get sector data
         CMPB #113 Has it reached track 113?
         BHS NOTFREE No free block found if so
         LEAX 1,X Point to next sector
         TST DBLSIDE Is disk double sided?
         BEQ FINDFR.4 Continue if not
         BITB #1 Was it an odd track number?
         BEQ FINDFR.4 Continue if not
         LEAX 17,X Skip the odd tracks
         LDY SEGMENT Get segment pointer
         LEAY 5,Y Point to next segment
         BRA FINDFR.2 Start a new segment
FINDFR.4 BITA ,Y Is current sector allocated?
         BNE FINDFREE Start over if it is
         LDY SEGMENT Point to current segment
         INC 4,Y Add one sector to size
         DEC FREESECT Count another free sector
         BNE FINDFR.3 Repeat if not done
         LEAX PATHOPTS,U Point to first segment entry
         STX SEGMENT Store segment pointer
         CLRA Initialize BOOTSIZE to zero
         LDA 4,X Get size of first segment
         STD TRACKEND Store size limit
         LDX 1,X Get logical sector number
         LBSR SEEKSECT Seek to start of segment
         BRA READSRC Go get first sourcefile name
NOTFREE  LEAX FRAGERR,PCR Point to error message
COMPL.2  LBRA COMPLAIN Write message and quit
MAKOS9.1 OS9 I$OPEN Open source file
         STA SRCPTHNM Save path number
         BCC MAKOS9.2 Continue if no error
         CMPB #E$PNNF Error = file not found?
         BNE QUIT.2 Something else; quit
         LEAX CANTFIND,PCR Point to message string
         LDY #12 It's 12 characters long
         LDA #2 Outpath: stderr
         OS9 I$WRITLN Start the error message
         LEAX GPBUFFER,U Point to offending filename
         BRA COMPL.2 Tell the world about it
MAKOS9.2 LDD #$400 Size of GPBUFFER
         CMPD TRACKEND Compare to segment size limit
         BLS MAKOS9.3 Plenty of room, use full size
         LDD TRACKEND Don't go over size limit
MAKOS9.3 TFR D,Y Number of bytes to read
         LDA SRCPTHNM Get path number
         LEAX GPBUFFER,U Point to data buffer
         OS9 I$READ Read the data
         BCC MAKOS9.4 Continue if no error
         CMPB #E$EOF Is it end of file?
         BEQ MAKOS9.5 Close source file
QUIT.2   COMA Make sure carry is set
         OS9 F$EXIT Exit with error
MAKOS9.4 LBSR WRITFILE Write it on destination disk
         PSHS Y Save number of bytes written
         LDD BOOTSIZE Get total size of bootfile
         ADDD ,S Add bytes just written
         STD BOOTSIZE Store updated bootsize
         LDD TRACKEND Get size left in segment
         SUBD ,S++ Subtract bytes just used
         STD TRACKEND Store updated segment size
         BNE MAKOS9.2 Continue until out of space
         LDX SEGMENT Get segment pointer
         LEAX 5,X Point to next segment
         STX SEGMENT Store updated segment pointer
         LDA 4,X Get segment size limit
         CLRB Convert sectors to bytes
         STD TRACKEND Store size variable
         LDX 1,X Get logical sector number
         LBSR SEEKSECT Seek to start of segment
         BRA MAKOS9.2 Start writing on new segment
MAKOS9.5 LDA SRCPTHNM Get source path number
         OS9 I$CLOSE Close the file
READSRC  LEAX GPBUFFER,U Point to data buffer
         LDY #255 Maximum bytes to read
         CLRA Inpath: stdin
         OS9 I$READLN Read next filename
         BCC MAKOS9.6 Continue if no error
         CMPB #E$EOF End of file error?
         BEQ LASTSEG Go set last segment size
         BRA QUIT.2 Other error, quit
MAKOS9.6 LDA ,X Get first character
         CMPA #C$CR Is it a <CR>?
         BNE MAKOS9.1 Use the file if not
LASTSEG  LDY SEGMENT Point to last segment
         LDA 4,Y Get segment size limit
         CLRB Convert sectors to bytes
         SUBD TRACKEND Subtract unused capacity
         ADDD #$FF Count last partial sector
         STA 4,Y Store size used
         BNE SETSEG.3 Continue if not zero
SETSEG.1 LDB #4 Clear out segment data
         BPL SETSEG.2 Do all the bytes
SETSEG.3 LEAY 5,Y Point to next segment
         TST 4,Y Test segment size
         BNE SETSEG.1 Clear it if not zero
         LDX #0 Disk identification sector
         LBSR SEEKSECT Set file pointer
         LBSR READSECT Read the sector
         LDD BOOTSIZE Get total size of bootfile
         STD DD.BSZ,X Store bootfile size
         LDD PATHOPTS+1 Get bootfile first sector #
         TST DBLSIDE Is disk single sided?
         BEQ SETBOOT Sector number correct if so
         PSHS D Save raw sector number
         CLR ,-S Push a zero on stack
SECTLOOP INC ,S Increment track counter
         SUBD #36 Subtract sectors in 2 tracks
         BPL SECTLOOP Continue until negative
         PULS B Get number of tracks
         DECB Compensate for extra count
         LDA #18 Find number of unused sectors
         MUL   in odd-numbered tracks
         PSHS D Put number on stack
         LDD 2,S Get raw sector number
         SUBD ,S++ Subtract skipped sectors
         LEAS 2,S Adjust stack
SETBOOT  STD DD.BT+1,X Store sector number
         LDX #0 Identification sector number
         LBSR SEEKSECT Point to start of sector
         LBSR WRITSECT Write updated data to disk
         LBSR READSECT Read disk allocation sector
         LEAY PATHOPTS,U Point to first segment
ALLOC.1  STY SEGMENT Store segment pointer
         LDX 1,Y Get first sector of segment
         LDA 4,Y Get segment size
         STA TRACKEND Save total segment size
ALLOC.2  LBSR SECTINFO Point to allocation bit
         LEAX 1,X Advance to next sector
         ORA ,Y Mark sector as allocated
         STA ,Y Store updated byte
         DEC TRACKEND Count off sector
         BNE ALLOC.2 Repeat until end of segment
         LDY SEGMENT Get segment pointer
         LEAY 5,Y Point to next segment
         TST 4,Y Test segment size
         BNE ALLOC.1 Mark sectors if size not zero
         LDX #1 Point to allocation sector
         LBSR SEEKSECT Seek to start of sector
         LBSR WRITSECT Write updated allocation data
         LDX FDS.LSN+1 Point to file descriptor
         LBSR SEEKSECT Seek to start of sector
         LBSR READSECT Read file descriptor sector
         LDD BOOTSIZE Get bootfile size
         STD GPBUFFER+11 Store in file descriptor
         LEAX PATHOPTS,U Point to  segment list
         LEAY SEG1PTR,U Point into file descriptor
         LDB #50 Size of segment list
MOVLOOP4 LDA ,X+ Move bootfile segment list
         STA ,Y+   into appropriate place
         DECB   in the file descriptor
         BNE MOVLOOP4 Move it all
         LDX FDS.LSN+1 Point to file descriptor
         LBSR SEEKSECT Seek to start of sector
         LBSR WRITSECT Write updated descriptor
         OS9 F$EXIT Done; quit
         EMOD CRC bytes
SIZE     EQU *
		Dave Lewis    Loral Instrumentation   San Diego

    sdcc6 ---\     gould9 --\
    ihnp4 ---->-->!sdcc3 ---->--->!loral!dml  (uucp)
    sdcrdcf -/     sdcsvax -/

  A portable program is one which exhibits the same bugs on many
different computers.

dml@loral.UUCP (Dave Lewis) (01/20/86)


  There are a few wrong symbols in the posted version of OS9Gen2. At the
beginning, the Version 2 kernel equates should be:

KERNSECT EQU 16 Number of sectors required by kernel file
KERNADDR EQU $EF00 Address of kernel in memory
KERNSIZE EQU $1000 Size of kernel file

  The stuff after ELSE is for Version 1 and is OK as is. NewDisk does not
work under Version 2. The V2 CCDisk uses the new virtual interrupt scheme
to time-out the disk spindle motors; I tried sticking the code into NewDisk
but it locked up the system after the first access. I'll need the Version 2
system call documentation to do anything further, and the local Radio Shack
professes total ignorance when asked about it.

  The newsgroup is silent once more. These programs are the only traffic
I've seen in two weeks. Where is everybody?

		Dave Lewis    Loral Instrumentation   San Diego

    sdcc6 ---\     gould9 --\
    ihnp4 ---->-->!sdcc3 ---->--->!loral!dml  (uucp)
    sdcrdcf -/     sdcsvax -/

  A portable program is one that will exhibit the same bugs on many
different computers.

jimomura@lsuc.UUCP (Jim Omura) (01/24/86)

     Dave asked what's going on.  Well, OS-9 messages should now go to
the moderators of 'mod.os.os9'.  You may have missed the announcement
somehow, but you should have had the new mod group Arriving.  Messages
should go to 'nyit!os9'.

                                      Cheers! -- Jim O.

James Omura, Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura
(416) 652-3880