[net.micro.6809] Request for os9 info

davel@hpvcla.UUCP (03/17/86)

I have been looking at some os9 drivers, one has some features I would like
to fix. In the process of trying to understand them, I have run across some 
questions that my System Programers Manual doesn't seem to answer. Maybe
someone can help me out. I should state up front that my system is considered
"homebrew" and does not have support from anyone but me.

My questions:

What happens to os9 if it gets handed a character with the most significant
bit set?  My input driver carefully strips the bit before passing the 
character on. The keyboard I have has several special function keys and I
have thought I could flag these keys with the most significant bit.

My documentation gives precious little information about the register setup
on the entry into a driver's interrupt routine. Could someone enlighten me?
What is the purpose of the BITA #1 instruction that always seems to be at
the beginning of the routine?

The documentation of getsta/setsta is somewhat confusing. If I remember
correctly the section on the getsta/setsta driver entry points claims
that RBF and SCF handle all current status requests. Implying that the
driver need not worry. Of course this is not true.  The device ready status
request is at least one that the driver needs to handle. By looking at
the system calls for getsta and setsta I have concluded that the most of
the setup and expected return values are passed directly/returned from the
driver, at least in the device ready case. Is there some better documentation
on these entry points? New documentation would likely explain when and how
the getsta entry should return the number of bytes available to be read.

Thanks to anyone who may be willing to venture an explanation.

Dave Lowe

kottke@puff.UUCP (Richard J. Kottke) (03/22/86)

Attempted answers to Dave Lowe's very good questions:

> What happens to os9 if it gets handed a character with the most significant
> bit set?  My input driver carefully strips the bit before passing the 
> character on. The keyboard I have has several special function keys and I
> have thought I could flag these keys with the most significant bit.

This is probably due to your input driver, as you have said; however os9 seems
to be willing to send 8-bit characters wherever they need to go (as is the case
with the disk drivers).  A little bit of work with your terminal device driver
should get the 8th. bit going.  An alternate method would be to mess around
with tmodes's "type" parameter, which is a little mysterious; my manual says
that it is for setting parity, wordlength etc. but gives no further info.

> My documentation gives precious little information about the register setup
> on the entry into a driver's interrupt routine. Could someone enlighten me?
> What is the purpose of the BITA #1 instructiS.Size

I have added SS.DSiz because on the Color Computer, the display isn't always
80 columns by 24 lines; I encourage others to utilize this status call.

About where to get at the passed parameters: they are pointed to by the PD.RGS
area of the path descriptor.  Upon entry to a GetStat or SetStat server, U 
points to the device static memory area, Y points to the PD and A holds the
status code.  To get X pointing to the register stack do this:

	LDX	PD.RGS,Y	X points to the old registers

To change the stack or look at it, do this:

	LDA	R$A,X	A gets the old A
	EORA	#$F1	Do something bizaare to A
	STA	R$A,X	Put it back

If you were to write a SCFMan - type driver, you could include these status

If you need more info on these, just drop me an e-mail letter.

						-Richard Kottke

gremlin@well.UUCP (Gremlin) (03/24/86)

>>Attempted answers to Dave Lowe's very good questions:

>> What happens to os9 if it gets handed a character with the most significant
>> bit set?  My input driver carefully strips the bit before passing the 
>> character on. The keyboard I have has several special function keys and I
>> have thought I could flag these keys with the most significant bit.

>This is probably due to your input driver, as you have said; however os9 seems
>to be willing to send 8-bit characters wherever they need to go (as is the case
>with the disk drivers).  A little bit of work with your terminal device driver
>should get the 8th. bit going.  An alternate method would be to mess around
>with tmodes's "type" parameter, which is a little mysterious; my manual says
>that it is for setting parity, wordlength etc. but gives no further info.

This is just a little note ... Use of the 'type' parameter in the device driver
on a GIMIX system running OS9 allows the setting of # of data bits , # of stop
bits, parity and to a certain extent baud rate (division of baud rate
generator) when using a 6850 acia 2-port serial card. I'm not sure as to what
extent this can be used on a RS CC.


emjej@uokvax.UUCP (03/28/86)

/* Written 10:39 am  Mar 17, 1986 by davel@hpvcla in net.micro.6809 */
>What happens to os9 if it gets handed a character with the most significant
>bit set?  My input driver carefully strips the bit before passing the 
>character on. The keyboard I have has several special function keys and I
>have thought I could flag these keys with the most significant bit.

OS-9 is perfectly willing to pass 8-bit data along.  (I found this out the
hard way on a VT-200 compatible terminal talking to Unix, which seems to
insist on sending stuff out with even parity! :-)  Your driver could,
however, check the PD option section to decide whether to strip the
parity bit.

>The documentation of getsta/setsta is somewhat confusing. If I remember
>correctly the section on the getsta/setsta driver entry points claims
>that RBF and SCF handle all current status requests. Implying that the
>driver need not worry. Of course this is not true.  The device ready status
>request is at least one that the driver needs to handle.

If the docs say that, then something's hosed.  The idea behind get/setstat
is that at each level in the Great Chain of Being (IOMAN -> file manager
-> device driver), those get/setstat requests that should be handled are
handled, and any others are passed on down.  For example, IOMAN can handle
the "copy the PD option section" request; RBFMAN handles record locking;
as you point out, device drivers have to support things like device ready.

>New documentation would likely explain when and how
>the getsta entry should return the number of bytes available to be read.

Let me strongly urge that you get a copy of *The Complete *Rainbow* Guide
to OS-9* by Dale L. Puckett and Peter Dibble, available at your local Radio
Shack or from *Rainbow* magazine.  It contains listings of sample device
drivers.  Basically, the ACIA driver they show keeps a queue of characters
waiting to be read which is added to (or a 244, device overrun, error is
signalled) if the interrupt service routine snarfs a character from the

						James Jones
/* End of text from uokvax.UUCP:net.micro.6809 */

emjej@uokvax.UUCP (04/02/86)

The following is posted on behalf of a friend who can't post notes...

From: chinet!draco@ihnp4.UUCP

> From: davel@hpvcla.UUCP (Dave Lowe)
> Subject: Request for os9 info

> What happens to os9 if it gets handed a character with the most significant
> bit set?  My input driver carefully strips the bit before passing the 
> character on. The keyboard I have has several special function keys and I
> have thought I could flag these keys with the most significant bit.

The device driver does have the major responsibility for allowing eight bit
input. However, some older versions of SCF strip the eighth bit during the
editing functions of the ReadLn and WritLn calls. This was changed in edition
eight (8) of SCF, but I don't know whether the offending code was present in
ALL of the previous versions. In any event, using Read and Write will avoid
the problem. One other point to consider is setting the ACIA for eight data
bits and NO parity.

> My documentation gives precious little information about the register setup
> on the entry into a driver's interrupt routine. Could someone enlighten me?

Only TWO registers have any meaning on entry to the interrupt handler. The
A register, which contains the status register contents after processing by
the mask and flip bytes. And the U register, which points to the device's
static memory area. The DP is set to zero (00) as always on entry to a
device driver.

> What is the purpose of the BITA #1 instruction that always seems to be at
> the beginning of the routine?

If the driver you are a referring to is for the 6850 ACIA, the BITA #1 is
to determine whether the interrupt is an input (bit 0=RDRF= Receive Data
Register Full) or an output (bit 1=TDRE= Transmit Data Register Empty).

> The documentation of getsta/setsta is somewhat confusing. If I remember
> correctly the section on the getsta/setsta driver entry points claims
> that RBF and SCF handle all current status requests. Implying that the
> driver need not worry. Of course this is not true.  The device ready status
> request is at least one that the driver needs to handle. By looking at
> the system calls for getsta and setsta I have concluded that the most of
> the setup and expected return values are passed directly/returned from the
> driver, at least in the device ready case. Is there some better documentation
> on these entry points? New documentation would likely explain when and how
> the getsta entry should return the number of bytes available to be read.

The following is a list of those getstat/setstat calls which are handled
directly by IOMan or the file managers:

Get Status calls handled by IOMan:

Set Status calls handled by SCF:

Get Status calls handled by RBF:

Set Status calls handled by RBF:

ALL other get/setstat calls are handled directly by the associated driver.

The SCF device SS.READY Get Status call functions as follows:

Entry Conditions> A=path number B=$01

Exit Conditions> If ready: CC=Carry Clear B=#of bytes available

Exit Conditions> Not ready: CC=Carry Set B=$F6 (E$NOTRDY)

To add this to an existing driver will require adding a character counter
to the input and output routines.

Kent D. Meyers