[net.micro.6809] MicroEMACS OS-9 Part 4 of 7

jimomura@lsuc.UUCP (Jim Omura) (05/04/86)

os.9/public.domain #86, from jimomura, 489 chars, Sat Mar 22 19:32:57 1986

TITLE: 'microEMACS' part 17 'uemacs.hlp'

  Vt52: rename uemacs.mak to makefile and use make.
  Other: Modify makefile to use appropriate terminal module (i.e. ansi)
        rather than the vt52 module.

Os9/6809: See uemacs.mak to see what modules are needed.

Known Problem:
  The 68000 version seems to have problems editing large (or many small)
files (long before memory is exausted).  The malloc routine apperently 
does not work well for many small allocations.  

os.9/public.domain #87, from jimomura, 610 chars, Sat Mar 22 19:35:00 1986

TITLE: 'microEMACS' part 18 'uemacs.mak'
#  makefile for Micro emacs for os9/68000
# temp files on ram disk
CFLAGS = -t=/r0

MAINR  = uemain1.r uemain2.r uemain3.r uemain4.r uemaintable.r
DISPR  = uedisplay1.r uedisplay2.r uedisplay3.r
RESTR  = uebasic.r uebuffer1.r uebuffer2.r uefile1.r uefile2.r uefileio.r \
  ueline1.r ueline2.r uerandom1.r uerandom2.r ueregion.r uesearch.r uespawn.r \
  uetermio.r uevt52.r uewindow.r ueword.r

# use cio libarary
umacs: $(RFILES)
  cc -i $(RFILES) -f=umacs
$(MAINR): ueed.h uemain.h
$(DISPR): ueed.h uedisplay.h
$(RESTR): ueed.h

os.9/public.domain #88, from jimomura, 10635 chars, Sat Mar 22 19:52:40 1986

TITLE: 'microEMACS' part 19 'uemain.h'
/* Main header */

int  currow;       /* Working cursor row   */
int  curcol;       /* Working cursor column  */
int  fillcol;      /* Current fill column  */
int  thisflag;      /* Flags, this command  */
int  lastflag;      /* Flags, last command  */
int  curgoal;      /* Goal column    */
BUFFER *curbp;       /* Current buffer    */
WINDOW *curwp;       /* Current window    */
BUFFER *bheadp;      /* BUFFER listhead   */
WINDOW *wheadp;      /* WINDOW listhead   */
BUFFER *blistp;      /* Buffer list BUFFER   */
short kbdm[NKBDM] = {CTLX|')'};  /* Macro      */
short *kbdmip;      /* Input for above   */
short *kbdmop;      /* Output for above   */
char pat[NPAT];      /* Pattern     */
extern int  currow;       /* Working cursor row   */
extern int  curcol;       /* Working cursor column  */
extern int  fillcol;      /* Current fill column  */
extern int  thisflag;      /* Flags, this command  */
extern int  lastflag;      /* Flags, last command  */
extern int  curgoal;      /* Goal column    */
extern BUFFER *curbp;       /* Current buffer    */
extern WINDOW *curwp;       /* Current window    */
extern BUFFER *bheadp;      /* BUFFER listhead   */
extern WINDOW *wheadp;      /* WINDOW listhead   */
extern BUFFER *blistp;      /* Buffer list BUFFER   */
extern short kbdm[];        /* Macro      */
extern short *kbdmip;      /* Input for above   */
extern short *kbdmop;      /* Output for above   */
extern char pat[];      /* Pattern     */

typedef struct {
  short k_code;     /* Key code      */
  int (*k_fp)();    /* Routine to handle it   */

 * Command table.
 * This table is *roughly* in ASCII order, left to right across the
 * characters of the command. This expains the funny location of the
 * control-X commands.

extern      int ctrlg();                /* Abort out of things          */
extern      int quit();                 /* Quit                         */
extern      int ctlxlp();               /* Begin macro                  */
extern      int ctlxrp();               /* End macro                    */
extern     int  ctlxe();                /* Execute macro                */
extern     int  fileread();             /* Get a file, read only        */
extern     int  filevisit();            /* Get a file, read write       */
extern     int  filewrite();            /* Write a file                 */
extern     int  filesave();             /* Save current file            */
extern     int  filename();             /* Adjust file name             */
extern     int  getccol();              /* Get current column           */
extern     int  gotobol();              /* Move to start of line        */
extern     int  forwchar();             /* Move forward by characters   */
extern     int  gotoeol();              /* Move to end of line          */
extern     int  backchar();             /* Move backward by characters  */
extern     int  forwline();             /* Move forward by lines        */
extern     int  backline();             /* Move backward by lines       */
extern     int  forwpage();             /* Move forward by pages        */
extern     int  backpage();             /* Move backward by pages       */
extern     int  gotobob();              /* Move to start of buffer      */
extern     int  gotoeob();              /* Move to end of buffer        */
extern     int  setfillcol();           /* Set fill column.             */
extern     int  setmark();              /* Set mark                     */
extern     int  swapmark();             /* Swap "." and mark            */
extern     int  forwsearch();           /* Search forward               */
extern     int  backsearch();           /* Search backwards             */
extern     int  showcpos();             /* Show the cursor position     */
#ifndef OS9
extern     int  nextwind();             /* Move to the next window      */
extern     int  prevwind();             /* Move to the previous window  */
extern     int  onlywind();             /* Make current window only one */
extern     int  splitwind();            /* Split current window         */
extern     int  mvdnwind();             /* Move window down             */
extern     int  mvupwind();             /* Move window up               */
extern     int  enlargewind();          /* Enlarge display window.      */
extern     int  shrinkwind();           /* Shrink window.               */
extern     int  listbuffers();          /* Display list of buffers      */
extern     int  usebuffer();            /* Switch a window to a buffer  */
extern     int  killbuffer();           /* Make a buffer go away.       */
extern     int  reposition();           /* Reposition window            */
extern     int  refresh();              /* Refresh the screen           */
extern     int  twiddle();              /* Twiddle characters           */
extern     int  tab();                  /* Insert tab                   */
extern     int  newline();              /* Insert CR-LF                 */
extern     int  indent();               /* Insert CR-LF, then indent    */
extern     int  openline();             /* Open up a blank line         */
extern     int  deblank();              /* Delete blank lines           */
extern     int  quote();                /* Insert literal               */
extern     int  backword();             /* Backup by words              */
extern     int  forwword();             /* Advance by words             */
extern     int  forwdel();              /* Forward delete               */
extern     int  backdel();              /* Backward delete              */
extern     int  killer();               /* Kill forward                 */
extern     int  yank();                 /* Yank back from killbuffer.   */
extern     int  upperword();            /* Upper case word.             */
extern     int  lowerword();            /* Lower case word.             */
extern     int  upperregion();          /* Upper case region.           */
extern     int  lowerregion();          /* Lower case region.           */
extern     int  capword();              /* Initial capitalize word.     */
extern     int  delfword();             /* Delete forward word.         */
extern     int  delbword();             /* Delete backward word.        */
extern     int  killregion();           /* Kill region.                 */
extern     int  copyregion();           /* Copy region to kill buffer.  */
extern     int  spawncli();             /* Run CLI in a subjob.         */
extern     int  spawn();                /* Run a command in a subjob.   */
extern     int  quickexit();            /* low keystroke style exit.    */

KEYTAB keytab[] = {
  CTRL|'@',    setmark,
  CTRL|'A',    gotobol,
  CTRL|'B',    backchar,
  CTRL|'C',    spawncli,  /* Run CLI in subjob. */
  CTRL|'D',    forwdel,
  CTRL|'E',    gotoeol,
  CTRL|'F',    forwchar,
  CTRL|'G',    ctrlg,
  CTRL|'H',    backdel,
  CTRL|'I',    tab,
  CTRL|'J',    indent,
  CTRL|'K',    killer,
  CTRL|'L',    refresh,
  CTRL|'M',    newline,
  CTRL|'N',    forwline,
  CTRL|'O',    openline,
  CTRL|'P',    backline,
  CTRL|'Q',    quote,   /* Often unreachable */
  CTRL|'R',    backsearch,
  CTRL|'S',    forwsearch, /* Often unreachable */
  CTRL|'T',    twiddle,
  CTRL|'V',    forwpage,
  CTRL|'W',    killregion,
  CTRL|'Y',    yank,
  CTRL|'Z',    quickexit,  /* quick save and exit */
#ifndef OS9
  CTLX|CTRL|'B',   listbuffers,
  CTLX|CTRL|'C',   quit,   /* Hard quit.   */
  CTLX|CTRL|'F',   filename,
  CTLX|CTRL|'L',   lowerregion,
  CTLX|CTRL|'O',   deblank,
#ifndef OS9
  CTLX|CTRL|'N',   mvdnwind,
  CTLX|CTRL|'P',   mvupwind,
  CTLX|CTRL|'R',   fileread,
  CTLX|CTRL|'S',   filesave,  /* Often unreachable */
  CTLX|CTRL|'U',   upperregion,
#ifndef OS9
  CTLX|CTRL|'V',   filevisit,
  CTLX|CTRL|'W',   filewrite,
  CTLX|CTRL|'X',   swapmark,
#ifndef OS9
  CTLX|CTRL|'Z',   shrinkwind,
  CTLX|'!',    spawn,   /* Run 1 command.  */
  CTLX|'=',    showcpos,
  CTLX|'(',    ctlxlp,
  CTLX|')',    ctlxrp,
#ifndef OS9
  CTLX|'1',    onlywind,
  CTLX|'2',    splitwind,
  CTLX|'B',    usebuffer,
  CTLX|'E',    ctlxe,
  CTLX|'F',    setfillcol,
#ifndef OS9
  CTLX|'K',    killbuffer,
  CTLX|'N',    nextwind,
  CTLX|'P',    prevwind,
  CTLX|'Z',    enlargewind,
  META|CTRL|'H',   delbword,
  META|'!',    reposition,
  META|'.',    setmark,
  META|'>',    gotoeob,
  META|'<',    gotobob,
  META|'B',    backword,
  META|'C',    capword,
  META|'D',    delfword,
  META|'F',    forwword,
  META|'L',    lowerword,
  META|'U',    upperword,
  META|'V',    backpage,
#ifndef OS9
  META|'W',    copyregion,
  META|0x7F,    delbword,
  0x7F,     backdel,
  0,        0 /* Signals end of table */
extern KEYTAB keytab[];

#define NKEYTAB (sizeof(keytab)/sizeof(keytab[0]))

#ifdef RAINBOW

#include "rainbow.h"

 * Mapping table from the LK201 function keys to the internal EMACS character.

short lk_map[][2] = {
  Up_Key,       CTRL+'P',
  Down_Key,      CTRL+'N',
  Left_Key,      CTRL+'B',
  Right_Key,      CTRL+'F',
  Shift+Left_Key,     META+'B',
  Shift+Right_Key,    META+'F',
  Control+Left_Key,    CTRL+'A',
  Control+Right_Key,    CTRL+'E',
  Prev_Scr_Key,     META+'V',
  Next_Scr_Key,     CTRL+'V',
  Shift+Up_Key,     META+'<',
  Shift+Down_Key,     META+'>',
  Cancel_Key,      CTRL+'G',
  Find_Key,      CTRL+'S',
  Shift+Find_Key,     CTRL+'R',
  Insert_Key,      CTRL+'Y',
  Options_Key,     CTRL+'D',
  Shift+Options_Key,    META+'D',
  Remove_Key,      CTRL+'W',
  Shift+Remove_Key,    META+'W',
  Select_Key,      CTRL+'@',
  Shift+Select_Key,    CTLX+CTRL+'X',
  Interrupt_Key,     CTRL+'U',
  Keypad_PF2,      META+'L',
  Keypad_PF3,      META+'C',
  Keypad_PF4,      META+'U',
  Shift+Keypad_PF2,    CTLX+CTRL+'L',
  Shift+Keypad_PF4,    CTLX+CTRL+'U',
  Keypad_1,      CTLX+'1',
  Keypad_2,      CTLX+'2',
  Do_Key,       CTLX+'E',
  Keypad_4,      CTLX+CTRL+'B',
  Keypad_5,      CTLX+'B',
  Keypad_6,      CTLX+'K',
  Resume_Key,      META+'!',
  Control+Next_Scr_Key,   CTLX+'N',
  Control+Prev_Scr_Key,   CTLX+'P',
  Control+Up_Key,     CTLX+CTRL+'P',
  Control+Down_Key,    CTLX+CTRL+'N',
  Help_Key,      CTLX+'=',
  Shift+Do_Key,     CTLX+'(',
  Control+Do_Key,     CTLX+')',
  Keypad_0,      CTLX+'Z',
  Shift+Keypad_0,     CTLX+CTRL+'Z',
  Main_Scr_Key,     CTRL+'C',
  Keypad_Enter,     CTLX+'!',
  Exit_Key,      CTLX+CTRL+'C',
  Shift+Exit_Key,     CTRL+'Z'

#define lk_map_size  (sizeof(lk_map)/2)


#define NULL 0

os.9/public.domain #89, from jimomura, 4682 chars, Sat Mar 22 19:59:57 1986

TITLE: 'microEMACS' part 20 'uemain1.c'
 * This program is in public domain; written by Dave G. Conroy.
 * This file contains the main driving routine, and some keyboard processing
 * code, for the MicroEMACS screen editor.
 * 1.0  Steve Wilhite, 30-Nov-85
 *      - Removed the old LK201 and VT100 logic. Added code to support the
 *        DEC Rainbow keyboard (which is a LK201 layout) using the the Level
 *        1 Console In ROM INT. See "rainbow.h" for the function key definitions
 * 2.0  George Jones, 12-Dec-85
 *      - Ported to Amiga.
 * 3.0  Bob Santy, 5-Jan-86
 *      - Ported to Tandy Color Computer OS9.
 *      - COCO version has window functions
 *        removed to save memory.
 *      - Source modules split into more,
 *        smaller files.
 * ?.?  Robert Larson
 *      - Os9/68000 version (OSK)
 *      - Fixes to ^X= command   
/* #include        <stdio.h> */
#include        "ueed.h"
#ifdef VMS
#include        <ssdef.h>
#define GOOD    (SS$_NORMAL)

#ifndef GOOD
#define GOOD    0

#define MAIN1 1
#include "uemain.h"

main(argc, argv)
char    *argv[];
        register int    c;
        register int    f;
        register int    n;
        register int    mflag;
        char            bname[NBUFN];

        strcpy(bname, "main");                  /* Work out the name of */
        if (argc > 1)                           /* the default buffer.  */
                makename(bname, argv[1]);
        edinit(bname);                          /* Buffers, windows.    */
        vtinit();                               /* Displays.            */
        if (argc > 1) {
                update();                       /* You have to update   */
                readin(argv[1]);                /* in case "[New file]" */
        lastflag = 0;                           /* Fake last flags.     */
        update();                               /* Fix up the screen    */
        c = getkey();
        if (mpresf != FALSE) {
                if (c == ' ')                   /* ITS EMACS does this  */
                        goto loop;
        f = FALSE;
        n = 1;
        if (c == (CTRL|'U')) {                  /* ^U, start argument   */
                f = TRUE;
                n = 4;                          /* with argument of 4 */
                mflag = 0;                      /* that can be discarded. */
                mlwrite("Arg: 4");
                while ((c=getkey()) >='0' && c<='9' || c==(CTRL|'U') || c=='-'){
                        if (c == (CTRL|'U'))
                                n = n*4;
                         * If dash, and start of argument string, set arg.
                         * to -1.  Otherwise, insert it.
                        else if (c == '-') {
                                if (mflag)
                                n = 0;
                                mflag = -1;
                         * If first digit entered, replace previous argument
                         * with digit and set sign.  Otherwise, append to arg.
                        else {
                                if (!mflag) {
                                        n = 0;
                                        mflag = 1;
                                n = 10*n + c - '0';
                        mlwrite("Arg: %d", (mflag >=0) ? n : (n ? -n : -1));
                 * Make arguments preceded by a minus sign negative and change
                 * the special argument "^U -" to an effective "^U -1".
                if (mflag == -1) {
                        if (n == 0)
                        n = -n;
        if (c == (CTRL|'X'))                    /* ^X is a prefix       */
                c = CTLX | getctl();
        if (kbdmip != NULL) {                   /* Save macro strokes.  */
                if (c!=(CTLX|')') && kbdmip>&kbdm[NKBDM-6]) {
                        ctrlg(FALSE, 0);
                        goto loop;
                if (f != FALSE) {
                        *kbdmip++ = (CTRL|'U');
                        *kbdmip++ = n;
                *kbdmip++ = c;
        execute(c, f, n);                       /* Do it.               */
        goto loop;

os.9/public.domain #90, from jimomura, 4182 chars, Sat Mar 22 20:06:55 1986

TITLE: 'microEMACS' part 21 'uemain2.c'
 * This program is in public domain; written by Dave G. Conroy.
 * This file contains the main driving routine, and some keyboard processing
 * code, for the MicroEMACS screen editor.
 * 1.0  Steve Wilhite, 30-Nov-85
 *      - Removed the old LK201 and VT100 logic. Added code to support the
 *        DEC Rainbow keyboard (which is a LK201 layout) using the the Level
 *        1 Console In ROM INT. See "rainbow.h" for the function key definitions
 * 2.0  George Jones, 12-Dec-85
 *      - Ported to Amiga.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ueed.h"
#ifdef VMS
#include        <ssdef.h>
#define GOOD    (SS$_NORMAL)

#ifndef GOOD
#define GOOD    0

#include "uemain.h"
 * This is the general command execution routine. It handles the fake binding
 * of all the keys to "self-insert". It also clears out the "thisflag" word,
 * and arranges to move it to the "lastflag", so that the next command can
 * look at it. Return the status of command.
execute(c, f, n)
int c,f,n;
        register KEYTAB *ktp;
        int status;

        status = TRUE;
        ktp = &keytab[0];                       /* Look in key table.   */
        while (ktp->k_code) {
                if (ktp->k_code == c) {
                        thisflag = 0;
                        status = (*ktp->k_fp)(f, n);
                        lastflag = thisflag;

         * If a space was typed, fill column is defined, the argument is non-
         * negative, and we are now past fill column, perform word wrap.
        if (c == ' ' && fillcol > 0 && n>=0 && getccol(FALSE) > fillcol)

        if ((c>=0x20 && c<=0x7E)                /* Self inserting.      */
        ||  (c>=0xA0 && c<=0xFE)) {
                if (n <= 0) {                   /* Fenceposts.          */
                        lastflag = 0;
                thisflag = 0;                   /* For the future.      */
                linsert(n, c);
                lastflag = thisflag;
        } else {
                lastflag = 0;                   /* Fake last flags.     */

 * Read in a key.
 * Do the standard keyboard preprocessing. Convert the keys to the internal
 * character set.
        register int    c;

        c = (*term.t_getchar)();
#ifdef DEBUG

#ifdef RAINBOW

        if (c & Function_Key)
                int i;

                for (i = 0; i < lk_map_size; i++)
                        if (c == lk_map[i][0])
                                return lk_map[i][1];
        else if (c == Shift + 015) return CTRL | 'J';
        else if (c == Shift + 0x7F) return META | 0x7F;

        if (c == METACH) {                      /* Apply M- prefix      */
#ifdef DEBUG
                c = getctl();
#ifdef DEBUG
                return (META | c);

        if (c>=0x00 && c<=0x1F)                 /* C0 control -> C-     */
                c = CTRL | (c+'@');
#ifdef DEBUG
        return (c);

 * Get a key.
 * Apply control modifications to the read key.
        register int    c;

        c = (*term.t_getchar)();
        if (c>='a' && c<='z')                   /* Force to upper       */
                c -= 0x20;
        if (c>=0x00 && c<=0x1F)                 /* C0 control -> C-     */
                c = CTRL | (c+'@');
        return (c);

 * Fancy quit command, as implemented by Norm. If the current buffer has
 * changed do a write current buffer and exit emacs, otherwise simply exit.
quickexit(f, n)
        if ((curbp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0          /* Changed.             */
        && (curbp->b_flag&BFTEMP) == 0)         /* Real.                */
                filesave(f, n);
        quit(f, n);                             /* conditionally quit   */

James Omura, Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura
(416) 652-3880