[net.legal] Testimony of Willis Ware

bts@unc.UUCP (Bruce Smith) (01/10/84)

I received a copy of this from Charles McGrew @ Rutgers (who mentioned
its availability to ARPAnauts in Human-Nets).  Here it is for those of
us who cannot FTP from ARPANET:
Bruce Smith, UNC-Chapel Hill
decvax!duke!unc!bts (USENET)
bts.unc@CSnet-Relay (lesser NETworks)

Here's a partial reply to the point raised by Greg Davidson. I'm not a
lawyer, so don't take my legal suggestions as guarenteed legal possibilities
but at least I put the suggestion before a Congressional Committee.

This testimony was part of a series of 3 hearings, the other two being
on Sept. 26 and October 17. The series was designed to hear from the
research community (9/26), the government agencies (10/17) and the
private sector (10/24).

					   Willis H. Ware
					   Rand Corporation



			      Testimony of

			     Willis H. Ware


          Before the Subcommittee on Transportation, Aviation and
          Materials, Committee on Science and Technology, United
	  States House of Representatives*

			    October 24, 1983


     My name is Willis H. Ware.  I am a member of the Corporate Research
Staff of The Rand Corporation, but the views I state today are solely my
own; they in no way reflect a position of The Rand Corporation nor of
its research clients.  Furthermore, my views do not come from a specific
contract, but rather reflect a decade of my attention to the issue.  I
am an electrical engineer by training, but have specialized in the field
of computer technology for over thirty years.

     My credentials for addressing the issue include the following.  In
1967, I was the first to bring the issue of computer security to the
attention of the technical field by organizing a special session on the
subject at a Joint Computer Conference in the spring of that year.
Subsequently, I chaired a Defense Science Board (Department of Defense)
committee to look at the issue of computer security which had never been
examined comprehensively anywhere in government.  The report was a
definitive treatment of the subject, and to this day remains an
excellent primer.  I have furnished three copies of that document to
this committee as background information.
     *Additional material on electronic mail was orally presented but
did not appear in the originally submitted testimony.  This version
includes the additional material and has been slightly edited and

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     Because of my work in computer security, I was asked in the early
1970s to join a special advisory group to the Secretary of HEW, and I
subsequently became its chairman.  Its report, "Records, Computers and
the Rights of Citizens," was the first comprehensive treatment of the
matter at the federal level.  It provided the intellectual foundation
for the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, which among other things created
the Privacy Protection Study Commission of which I was a member and vice

     In addition to my participation in the activities noted above, I
have also spoken and written widely on the subject.  In particular, I
presented a paper, "Policy Aspects of Privacy and Access," to a National
Science Foundation symposium.  Although the paper will be published by
Crane-Russak as a special double issue of its journal "The Information
Society,"** I will forward three copies of it to the committee for
background information.


     Congressman Glickman, it is a pleasure to have been invited here
today to talk with you about a subject that is of such importance, not
only to me professionally but also to the country.  Since time is
limited this morning, my presentation will be in the nature of a
hopscotch over a variety of points and ideas that I think will be of
significance for you.  I will elaborate or expand in any detail at your
request or on another occasion.

     Let me first clarify the relationship between security and privacy,
where I use the latter term in the context of record-keeping privacy;
namely, the use of information about people to make decisions and
judgments about them.  Record-keeping privacy concerns personal
information kept in computer-based systems, and the essence of it is
protecting such information and controlling its use for authorized
purposes.  In contrast, computer security is that body of technology,
techniques, procedures, and practices that provides the protective
mechanisms to assure the safety of both the computer systems themselves
     **Issue 3/4, Vol. 2 is in press.  Anticipated date of publication
December 1983.

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and the information within them; and, in addition, limits access to such
information solely to authorized users.  Computer security is of
importance whether the information to be protected is personal in nature
and therefore relative to privacy; whether it is defense in nature and
therefore related to the security of the country; or whether it is
sensitive in nature and therefore relevant to corporate welfare in the
private sector.  The important point to be noted is that a comprehensive
set of security safeguards within and around a computer-based
information system is an essential prerequisite for assuring personal
privacy.  To operate such a system without relevant safeguards is a sham
against privacy assurance.

     The computer security issue must be seen as analogous to the
classical offense/defense situation.  As computer security safeguards
become stronger, the offenses against them will become more
sophisticated and the cycle will repeat.  Therefore, no organization or
Congress can assume that the computer security issue is one that can be
looked at and forgotten.  It first surfaced on the professional scene
only fifteen years ago; we are still low on the learning curve with
regard to knowing how to incorporate comprehensive protection mechanisms
in our systems.  It is an evolving issue, not a static end-of-the-road
one to be dismissed.  Therefore, I would recommend to you that:

     It be a standing agenda item for this or other committees of
     the Congress to look at every year or so for at least the next
     five and possibly the next ten years.
     Next, let me contrast the security situation in the defense
environment versus that in the commercial/industrial world.  Within
defense the threat against computer-based systems includes the full
technical resources of advanced major world powers, where such threats
can be mounted with substantial funding and other resources.  In the
Department of Defense context, therefore, the threat includes intense
technical aspects as well as aspects involving people -- such as buying
them for subversive actions.  On the other hand, the defense community
does go through an investigative process to grant formal clearances to
people; therefore, it has substantial assurance of trustworthiness.

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     In the commercial sector, on the other hand, the technical threat
is at present minimal.  The big threat is people within the systems
themselves.  If one examines, for example, the Parker/SRI database of
computer-related criminal actions, he finds that the great bulk of them
have been perpetrated by an individual who was authorized to interact
with the system and who knew enough about it to exploit it for personal
gain.  Furthermore, there is generally little attention paid in the
commercial world to establishing trustworthiness of individuals in
critical and sensitive positions within a computer-based information
system.  Some corporations do essentially nothing by way of assuring the
trustworthiness of critical individuals; others take the minimal step of
requiring that individuals be bondable -- a really minimum level of
assurance of trustworthiness; and very few, perhaps none, engage in a
comprehensive background investigation.  When the private sector gets
the "people problem" dimension of the threat against its computer
systems under control, and the simple technical threats protected
against, then sophisticated technical threats will become more

     Let us examine the last point more closely.  What can we do about
the simple technical threats, such as those used in the Milwaukee-414
caper, or those involved in the various criminal acts of the SRI
database?  The dominant point is:  technology is not the issue.  There
are ample technological safeguards that can be installed, and would be
effective against many of the crimes that have been perpetrated and
against many of the mischievous pranks that have occurred.  There are
also procedural and administrative safeguards that can be important
deterrents.  In the private sector, we need only the corporate will to
address the problem, and the corporate commitment to put the issue on
the same level of concern as that of protecting other valuable
resources.  By implication, we also need the corporate commitment to
spend the modest sums needed.  Importantly, we need private sector users
of computers to signal the computer industry that technical safeguards
are wanted, are essential, and will be paid for.

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     Do not underestimate that last point.  Until the IBMs, the DECs,
the Burroughs, the UNIVACs, and others of the commercial computer
industry understand that their respective customer bases want technical
security safeguard features, the product lines will not have them.  I
would suggest that the government has a major leverage on this issue.
It can make mandatory the inclusion of appropriate technical security
features in computer systems that it procures.

     Consider now the people aspect of the threat.  It is a hard one to
counter because one cannot legislate trustworthiness, and even the most
extensive background investigation may not reveal deeply hidden or latent
problems.  To start with, we must do all that is possible with technical
procedural safeguards; a good array of them will fend off many people
problems.  We might take legal steps.  One possibility for encouraging
private sector response would be to create a basis in law for acting
against the record-keeping installation for negligence should state-of-the-
art security safeguards not be in place.

     It might be possible to extend the principle of the attractive
nuisance, which in a sense is really what happens with 414-type activities.
A computer system is not a physically attractive nuisance, but rather an
intellectually attractive one that causes imaginative or criminally minded
people to hack at computer systems.  The legal principle of an attractive
nuisance encourages people to build fences around swimming pools -- at
least in California; perhaps the same notion can be elaborated or
reinterpreted to encourage operators of computer systems to install
appropriate safeguards.

     Incidentally, for the most part we are not talking about large
dollar investments.  Clearly, if an organization operates its computer
center behind a plateglass window and encourages casual visitors to
wander among the equipment, there might be a significant initial
investment to physically secure the facility and provide it with
appropriate physical and fire protection.  Beyond this phase though,
many organizations find that important security safeguards can be
installed as part of changes that are made for other reasons and the
costs of such security changes are frequently unnoticeable.  Cost will
not be zero but neither will it be burdensome.

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     What about technical safeguards against the people threat?  There
are attractive options and I will illustrate with two examples.  When an
individual logs on to a computer system, he is normally requested to
supply personal identification and a password which, in effect, is an
authentication of his identity.  Someone attempting to penetrate a
computer system tries to guess his way in by masquerading as a
legitimate user.  Most systems today permit an indefinite number of log-
on trials.  It therefore is feasible for a perpetrator to program a
small computer to systematically try words, combinations of letters and
characters, or other possible passwords until one is found that works.
The movie "WarGames" showed such a penetration very realistically and

     Clearly, this is an undesirable and unsafe arrangement.  There is
no reason why a computer should not disconnect an individual after some
number of attempts, such as three or five, and keep him disconnected
until his authenticity has been assured.  Three weeks ago you heard from
Mr. McClary of the Los Alamos National Laboratory.  He did not mention
the arrangement at Los Alamos with regard to passwords, but since I
happened to have discussed computer security with LANL recently, let me
indicate how it is handled.

     If an individual -- and it might be a respected, established senior
researcher of national repute -- fails to log on after a number of
tries, such as three or five, his account is completely disabled until
he personally appears at the security office and explains why he was
unable to type his password successfully after the prescribed number of
tries.  If he fails to log on successfully in a second series of
attempts, his supervisor is required to explain in writing why the
individual in question seems not able to type correctly.  While this
process might seem stringent and it is undoubtedly annoying to an
individual, nonetheless disabling repeated log-on attempts is an
appropriate arrangement to fend off penetration attempts by guessing in.
The media reported the Security Pacific National Bank as having diverted
a presumed penetrator by offering him a game to play while tracing the
origin of the call; such an approach is obviously a very imaginative and
appropriate deterrent.

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     A second example.  Since every computer system has to be started at
some time, invariably there is a mechanism for accomplishing what is
called the initial software load.  Often this takes the form of a
button, a switch, or a sequence of actions by the console operator.
Imagine a scenario in which an operator on the graveyard shift finds the
machine inactive and decides to do something in his own behalf such as
illegally copying a sensitive file of information.  Having done so, he
simply reloads the machine as though it had stopped for some reason;
there will be no record of what he has surreptitiously done.  There are
obvious technical offsets to such malfeasance by operators, but they do
not exist in marketed machines.  Even the procedure of two-person
control as used by the military would be a deterrent.

     We need a menu of technical features that machines should have in
order to help offset aspects of the people-threat problem.  Let me offer
you a recommendation:

     Task the Institute of Computer Science and Technology of the
     National Bureau of Standards to produce such a list of options,
     and consider making it mandatory in government acquisitions
     of computer systems.
     Now to the question of where the wisdom will come from within
government to deal with the broad dimensions of computer security.  I
remind you that there are technical aspects of it related to not only
hardware and software but also to communication security and radiation
security (TEMPEST); but in addition there are physical, procedural,
personnel, and administrative aspects.  Every one has to be attended to,
especially the last three.  A computer system with the best technical
safeguards can be readily penetrable if it is operated with sloppy and
careless procedural and administrative arrangements by people with
uncertain backgrounds.  Where will the government develop the guidance
that it needs on these many dimensions?

     Many of them are already in hand because they are understood for
other reasons.  For example, the Department of Defense certainly knows
how to deal with physical security and with personnel security; its

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experience is available to other agencies of government as might be
needed.  The TEMPEST radiation issue is understood and safeguards for it
exist.  There are many private organizations today that can advise on
fire protection, physical protection, personnel control, and the likes.
But, in government where does the technical software/hardware guidance
come from?  And where does the contextual administrative and management
guidance come from?

     What are the government's principal assets?  You heard from them on
October 17; the Institute of Computer Science and Technology of the
National Bureau of Standards, the Computer Security Center of the
National Security Agency, and GSA.  Take the CSC first.

     The focus of concern in CSC is "trusted systems" and especially
"trusted software."  Understand the word "trust" as you would
intuitively think of it; namely, one can have confidence that the system
or the software will do what it is supposed to do, and one can have
confidence that it will not do what it is not supposed to do.  Keep in
mind that CSC is a Department of Defense entity, and therefore its focus
of concern is on defense systems and especially with a sophisticated
technical threat.  It can and it will provide expertise to address the
software/hardware issue.

     I suggest to you that the problem of incorporating security
safeguards in software -- and of knowing that they are really there and
functioning correctly -- is so difficult technically and the country's
expertise is so miniminal on it, that we can staff only one such Center
at the moment.  We would be wise to place all our eggs in this one
basket with regard to trusted software until additional expertise can be
developed over the next five to ten years.  While CSC will also be
concerned with other security aspects of systems that contain both
computers and communications, it will not be concerned with the general
administrative and procedural environment in which secure systems must
be operated.

     The ICST of the NBS is also involved in technical work.  For
example, it was the source of the Digital Encryption Standard some five
years ago and it made a very significant contribution to the protection
of information while in transit through a communication network.  It
also publishes the "Federal Information Processing Standards" which deal

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with such issues as the use of DES, the management of keys for it, risk
assessment and risk management.  But, neither the ICST nor the CSC is
providing the comprehensive overview that can stipulate:

     o   Here is how one runs a computer system and does it securely.

     o   Here are the procedural and administrative safeguards that must
         be in place.

     o   Here are the specific risks that people represent.

     o   Here are the countermeasures that can be taken against the
         nontechnical threats.

     o   Here are the management mechanisms to oversee security

     o   Here are the general protective precautions that can be taken.


     No entity in government has addressed the general policy issue of
what constitutes a comprehensive top-to-bottom prescription for
installing security controls, nor identified the many dimensions of such
a policy and made it available as guidance.  It is being done piecemeal;
every agency is inventing it for itself or not doing it.  There is some
policy guidance in the DoD in the form of general regulations and
directives.  There are interagency committees and technical
organizations in which people can trade ideas and talk with one another.
In the private sector, major corporations have built their own policy
structures and implementing details.

     The government truly needs a comprehensive "how to do it" document
that sets forth preferred practices and procedures for operating a
secure computer system.  The private sector could well use the same
thing.  The ideas and the information exist but everything is scattered.
The information is not collected and coordinated; it is in people's
heads or embodied in daily activities and not otherwise documented.  We
-- the country -- need to organize the collective wisdom of what is
known and what is being done and make it widely available.

     As a first step, I would note that the General Services
Administration has had a major role in government, and it therefore
seems reasonable to recommend that:

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     You task the GSA to compile such a comprehensive handbook of
     preferred practices and procedures for running a computer
     center securely.

It is not a big undertaking.  It is not an endeavor for tens or dozens
of people working for many years.  One could survey the federal agencies
and a selected set of large corporations, assemble the composite wisdom
of what is being done and what is known, and get it written down.  I
would submit that it is a chore for a few people for a year or so.

     Mr. Stephen Walker testified before you on September 26 and
suggested a Federal Center to undertake some of the tasks that I have
suggested above be done by ICST and the GSA.  Such a Federal Center
would undoubtedly be a good idea and we clearly could well have one in
the long run.  CSC cannot do everything; moreover, some of its technical
knowledge can never be shared because of national defense reasons.  But
in the large, CSC represents an innovative opportunity for interaction
between the federal government and the commercial sector.  It can
respond to technical issues and it can examine and certify commercial
software products for trustworthiness; but CSC is not likely to concern
itself with the less esoteric and more mundane issues that a Federal
Center might accommodate.  Until, and if, we get such an organization in
place, however, there is no reason why the ICST and the GSA ought not do
what clearly can be done now.

     I do not want to conclude this testimony without touching briefly
on privacy.  First, let me clarify a statement which I believe was made
to you by Congressman Wirth.  I disagree strongly with his observation
that all the aspects of privacy have now been attended to.  In fact,
most of the recommendations that were made by the Privacy Protection
Study Commission have not been implemented in law, and moreover there
are new dimensions of privacy that the PPSC did not identify nor treat.
To date, privacy has been interpreted in the context of record-keeping
processes, but it is clear that the widespread application of computer
and communication systems to provide a broad spectrum of services will
eventuate in many new dimensions of privacy.

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     We are seeing the emergence of systems that contain vast amounts of
information about people but not for record-keeping purposes.  Let me
illustrate in terms of electronic mail, which the U.S. Postal Service is
promoting as E-COM.  The purpose of such a service is to transport
information from sender to addressee and to the extent that such
information is personal in nature, the system will contain much
information about people but not for record-keeping purposes.  In
addition to the message content, the system will contain information
relating addressee to sender.  In principle, such information could be
used to establish relationships among groups of people, such as
organized groups or circles of acquaintance.  Obviously, such
information could be of high interest to the law enforcement community
and others, but the legal umbrella of protection over it is confused and
probably incomplete.

     Whatever one believes about the security of information in the
hands of the USPS's E-COM, it is clear that private offerings of
electronic mail, such as by MCI and GTE, are another question.   In the
case of the latter there is little, if any, legal protection for message
information in the hands of private organizations.

     I will develop the issue more fully with two examples relative to
electronic mail.  In a federal agency, the in-house investigative staff
on at least three occasions obtained a complete printout of the
electronic mail system that provides office-automation support.  On at
least one occasion, an outside law enforcement entity was also involved.
In effect, several hundred workers who use electronic mail in the
conduct of their business had all their computer records read; and in at
least one instance, an indvidual was intimidated.  The privacy of the
workplace records of hundreds of people had been invaded; hundreds of
people were caught up in an investigative sweep without recourse to
protect themselves.

     It all sounds very much like search-and-seizure without due process
of law, or like a fishing expedition to see if something wrong had
happened or if some crime had been committed.  In this instance, the
computer happened to be agency-owned; one wonders what the situation
might have been if the mail service had been provided by a commercial
vendor whose computer would be located on private premises?

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     I do not know the motivations of the investigative groups; I have
only one side of the story.  Perhaps they were tracking down hackers, or
maybe it had to do with possible fraud or embezzlement.  I have no wish
to make this incident a cause celebre, but it is very useful to
underscore the ease with which new privacy issues arise as computer and
communications technology is exploited to provide a wide variety of new
services to a wider and wider population of users.

     It is an example of a new dimension of privacy -- "access without
action"; computer matching of files exhibits the same dimension.
Individuals who happen to keep records in a computer system or who are
record subjects in a computer file have their privacy invaded whether or
not an individual has done something wrong.  Private information gets
exposed to a third party and possibly to hostile eyes.  In effect, all
the hundreds of office workers or all the data subjects in a computer
file have, a priori, been assumed to be guilty; the examination of mail
or the matching of computer records is to demonstrate that they are not.
Much information about people has been seen but no action taken.  It
sounds like a back-end-to process of justice.

     There are some happy aspects of the office-automation seizure.  In
such a system, hundreds of people will keep hundreds of messages each;
there will be tens-of-thousands of messages altogether.  Only two
aberrant ones were found: a baby sitter's phone number and a cooking
recipe.  The odds are that each item, admittedly personal, was
transmitted more efficiently by electronic mail than by a phone call or
a walk to another person's desk; the electronic mail system surely
diverted much less people time from the job than any other means of
interpersonal communication.

     Certainly there are management problems in assuring that corporate
or business resources are not used for personal reasons, but I salute
the management discipline of an agency that operates such a tight
facility -- two items out of many tens-of-thousands is really an
infinitesimal ratio; and I acknowledge the integrity of the hundreds of
people who are using it.

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     Let us examine the possibility that an agency of government were to
use a commercial electronic mail service which is supplied by a computer
host that is most likely not in the District.***  There is no question but
that electronic mail is an efficient mechanism to facilitate the conduct
of business in any large organization; that is not the issue.  What are
the risks to such an arrangement?  I can offer some considered
observations -- which importantly would not be unique to any one private
sector vendor.

     o   It is unlikely that the phone lines, whether dial-up or
	 dedicated, between Washington and "the other state" would be
         protected by an encryption process.  Electronic eavesdropping
         and wiretapping would therefore be possible threats.

     o   It is unlikely that the computer system would have special
         security safeguards because commercial equipment is often used
         for such services.  One would assume that the vendor has
         provided appropriate physical, admininstative, and personnel

     o   Since the electronic traffic would flow across state lines, it
         becomes a matter for federal law; but there is no law under
         which the information would be protected.

     o   In principle, the body of computer-contained electronic mail
         would be subject to the same seizure as the office workers
         experienced; the private vendor would have no legal standing to
         resist.  While I would not suggest for a moment that some
         agency of government would set out to seize the electronic mail
         of another, a dissident group might and such mail could get
         caught up in an investigative sweep aimed at someone else.

     ***After the presentation of this testimony, the author's attention
was called to a "New York Times" article (White House Link: Computer in
Ohio; David Burnham, July 13, 1983, Late City Final Edition, page 18,
section A, column 4) which describes the Executive Data Network which
provides the Executive Branch of government with electronic mail
services from a system in Columbus, Ohio.  The article also reported by
name the officials who were to use it.

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     Why all my emphasis on both security and privacy of electronic
mail?  You must not think of electronic mail as solely the electronic
analog of the envelope.  Perhaps one fourth of my business interactions
and transactions occur electronically; at the moment there are about 600
messages in my mailbox and it can get as high as a thousand.  Why?  It
represents the written record of my conduct of business with a variety
of individuals and organizations; it is much more efficient than writing
letters, making phones calls, and then writing memoranda-of-record.
Moreover, I can organize the messages by folders and subfolders so that
the system becomes a comprehensive automated filing and information
retrieval system.  Anyone having access to such a body of information
might as well have the key to the office and to its file cabinets.

     Such comprehensive business records service is what electronic mail
is really all about, and it is the service that will be offered by the
private sector.  Can you imagine the situation when all that information
-- both private and corporate -- gets into electronic mail systems?  Can
you imagine what a lucrative target it will become for all sorts of
reasons?  The computer matching we have seen so far will be nothing
compared to what might arise when someone thinks about comparing files
from electronic mail systems.

     Here are some of the issues for information in such systems:

     o   It is not clear who owns it.  Does the owner of the computer
         system per se own it?  Does he have the right to witch-hunt
         through the information in his system as he sees fit?  Or is
         asked to by a third party?

     o   It is not clear if, or by what law, it is protected.  What will
         be the situation for intrastate offerings of service vs.
         interstate offerings?  And in the long run, for international

     o   It is not clear what the search-and-seizure situation is; can
         the private vendor be given legal standing to resist?  What
         should be his obligations to the users of his system in case of
         attempted seizure?

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     o   It is not even clear what the liability of the purveyor of the
         service might be, should something happen to one's electronic
         mail records.  What is his responsibility or obligation if his
         system accidentally spills information to the wrong party?
         What is his responsibility if his maintenance people
         accidentally see such mail information and use it for private
         gain, for personal embarrassment, for political advantage, or
         for a breach of national welfare and security?

     o   What are the vendor's obligations to provide comprehensive
         security safeguards for his system?  Should they be mandated by
         law?  Should it be caveat emptor?  For private sector and
         government use alike?  Should the government be concerned that
         so much corporate information might be subject to penetration
         by unfriendly agents?

     o   How should electronic mail be treated relative to telephone
         conversations?  Over the years, certain privacy protections
         have arisen for telephone billing records; formal legal
         processes are necessary to wiretap or to obtain records.
         Should similar protections exist for electronic mail?  Within
         government, as well as in private sector, as well as in
         regulated public utility?

     Many of these same concerns will also be pertinent to other
systems.  For example, there is voice mail which is the spoken analog of
electronic mail -- a service which is actively being promoted by private
vendors and by various telephone companies.  Voice mail has all the
vulnerabilities that electronic mail has when offered by public vendors;
moreover, an intruder can always claim that a particular individual's
voice can be recognized although his typed signature can be forged by
someone else at the keyboard.  Encryption techniques can be used to
protect electronic mail but present systems do not offer sender-to-
reader encryption options.  It is much more difficult technically to
provide speaker-to-listener protection for voice mail.

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     There is, in addition, the body of information which is collected
about people by point-of-sale systems, by debit card systems on the
merchant's premises, by automated checkout stands in grocery stores, and
a whole host of others.  In each case the system exists for some purpose
other than the traditional record-keeping one; each happens to contain
information about people as a collateral consequence of its primary
intent.  But the whole subject of privacy ahead, of what the future
holds for privacy, of what its new dimensions are, is for another day;
I have left you just a little teaser of what it will be all about.
Clearly, electronic mail is upon us now.

     Let me speak to the issue of a National Commission.  Congressman
Wirth and Mr. Parker suggested to you on September 26 that a national
commission to investigate computer crime would be appropriate.  A year
or so ago I suggested at a National Computer Conference that a National
Commission would be an appropriate forum in which to examine possible
vulnerabilities of our highly computerized society.  The fact is that
there is a whole set of interrelated issues that could well be
collectivly examined by a congressionally chartered commission.  The
common element to all of them is information handling as performed by
computer and communication systems.  Included would be such things as
computer-related crime, new dimensions of privacy, national
vulnerability as a result of computerization, representation of
information, social consequences of intensive computerization, personal
identification in a highly automated society, dislocations of power as a
result of concentrations of information, and others.

     My personal experience with the Privacy Protection Study Commission
persuaded me that a congressionally chartered commission is an
appropriate mechanism to address broad national issues that transcend
the jurisdictional boundaries of federal agencies and also transcend
public and private sector interests.  Such a commission can provide an
enormous bargain for the country in terms of work accomplished.  For
example, the PPSC delivered about 60 man-years of research on the
subject of record-keeping practices in the private sector for about $2.5
million.  That equates to about $40,000 per person-year of effort which
is about one third of what it would cost if done by a contractor.  In my

                                 - 17 -

view there is a right and a wrong way to structure a commission, but
that is a subject for another time if the Congress should be persuaded
to move that way.

     Congressman Glickman, I have given you a once-over-lightly on some
aspects of a very intricate and complex issue.  I would be glad to deal
in more depth with such aspects as you may wish, either in writing or
personal discussion with your staff.  There must be a national concern
for providing adequate security protections in our public and private
information systems and for attending the new privacy issues that arise.
We know a lot about doing it, but it needs to be organized into a
concerted effort.  If the Congress has the will to pursue this issue and
to pay sufficient attention to it, my feeling is that the time is right
for action.

     To begin with, let's get the GSA going; let's put ICST to work;
let's address electronic mail as the most pressing of the new dimensions
of privacy.  Let's think about making 1984 "the right year" to launch a
Commission to comprehensively examine the many issues of which we have

[At the conclusion of the testimony and questions, the chairman,
Congressman Glickman, read excerpts from a "New York Times" article
(Computer Intrusion Reported in 18 Companies and U.S. Agencies; Joseph
B. Treaster, Sunday, October 23, 1983, page 21).  It described the
penetration of the Telemail service offered by GTE, and the apparent
access to the electronic mail of major U.S. companies such as Raytheon,
Coca-Cola U.S.A., the 3M Company, and of several federal agencies such
as NASA and the Department of Agriculture.]


Note added in proof:

Subsequent to the completion of this document, a "New York Times"
article discussed the incident referenced anonymously on page 11 above
(Can Privacy and Computer Coexist?; David Burnham, Saturday, November 5,
1983, page 11).  It identified the "federal agency" as the Army's DARCOM,
the "in-house investigative staff" as the Army's Criminal Investigation
Division, and the "outside law enforcement entity" as the FBI.  It also
mentions that the incident was originally described in an ARPANET
message and includes quotes from it.  In addition, it paraphrases three
responses from various identified individuals.

=================================== END ======================================