hutton@sdcsvax.UUCP (Thomas Hutton) (10/13/84)
[....Please dont eat my article....] Hey People, I think this is getting a little out of hand! The original article that I posted was to ask if anyone knew the exact items that needed to be changed in order to sell unix(tm) as a commercial product outside of the United States - not the political motives behind this. As a matter of history - the restriction on crytpo routines has been around for a while - There was this restriction in system iii - It was mainly never noticed before because in past history - UNIX was not a commercial product! Now for the info that I originally was interesed in. It basicly boils down to the fact that the crypt routines in the c library must be changed to remove all decrypting possiblities and to remove the DES permutations so the routine does straight DES. Also the crypt(1) and makekey programs cannot be distributed. As a result of changing crypt(3), all editors which supported the -x option (encrypt/decrypt) must have this stripped out of them, the passwd, login, newgrp and su routines need to be recompiled as well as the new libc.a So one loses crypt(1) - It was not that hard of an encryption system to break anyways! - as for straight DES - at least you get DES - sure the lack of the permutations make it easier for Hardware DES attack methods but I dont think this is that much of a problem Thomas Hutton Pacific Microcomputers Inc. ucbvax!sdcsvax!pacific!hutton hutton@seismo.ARPA [The above views are not necessarily the views of my employeer or anyone else for that matter]