[tor.general] seminar

hehner@utcsri.UUCP (E.C.R. Hehner) (01/09/87)



Joint Systems/Theory Seminar Tuesday January 13 11am SF1105
(Borodin's colloquium is postponed to another day)

Professor Christian Lengauer
University of Texas at Austin

TITLE:   An Implemented Method for Incremental Systolic Design


   We present  a  mathematically  rigorous  and,  at  the  same  time,
convenient  method for systolic design and derive alternative systolic
designs  for  one  expository  matrix  computation  problem:    matrix
multiplication.   Each design is synthesized from a simple program and
a proposed layout of processors.  The synthesis derives (1) a systolic
parallel execution, (2) channel connections for the proposed processor
layout, and (3) an arrangement of data streams such that the  systolic
execution  can begin.  Our choices of alternative designs are governed
by formal theorems.  The synthesis  method  is  implementable  and  is
particularly  effective  if implemented with graphics capability.  Our
implementation on the Symbolics 3600 displays  the  resulting  designs
and  simulated  executions  graphically on the screen.  The method has
also been successfully applied to other matrix  computation  problems.
Its  centerpiece,  a transformation of sequential program computations
into systolic parallel ones, has been mechanically proved correct.

Prof. Lengauer will give a demonstration of his system and be available
for discussions Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday.