isis@utzoo.UUCP (Peter Renzland) (02/10/87)
/usr/group/cdn -- The Canadian Network of Unix Users Meeting Announcement Dr. Kent Laver Rhodnius Inc. (416) 922-1743 "High Tech Database Systems" Commercial relational database systems have been evolving rapid- ly over last three to four years. During this time a new market segment has appeared whose interests focus on requirements not necessary in typical Data Processing applications. Projects involving CADCAM, satellite data imaging, mapping, and automated testing require a database with much more flexible User Interfaces, greatly enhanced data representation, and data integrity tools, among other things. This talk will describe these needs and discuss some of the ways in which the EMPRESS product aims to support this area. Date: Wednesday, 11 February, 1987 Time: 18:15 Place: The Metro Toronto Board of Trade, 3rd Floor, First Canadian Place (Look for the Board of Trade private elevators in the North-East corner of The First Canadian Place, near Bay/Adelaide. Allow at least 15 minutes to find the elevators.) TTC: King St. (Commerce Court Exit), St. Andrew, or Union Stn 1815-1845 Presentation 1845-1900 Official Business, Members' Questions Conclusion of Formal Meeting 1900-1915 (B-R-E-A-K) and, concurrently, OPEN MIKE 1915-2000 Follow-up, Workshop(s), Birds-of-Feather sessions (There will be a terminal for Unix system access) *All* Unix users are invited. You don't have to be a member. /usr/group/cdn is a Unix user group and trade association. Gen- eral member meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month. There are also monthly workshops for technical users, various publications, an annual conference and trade show, and various mutual help services. This year's conference, show, and AGM is April 22-24. At that time, three new directors will be elected to the board. We need capable people who actually know and use Unix, and who care about Unix users, to fill these positions. (Next month's meeting: 11 March -- "DEC and Unix") -- Peter Renzland {mnetor,utgpu}!ontmoh!peter +1 416 964 9141 Ontario Ministry of Health Government of Ontario Micro Interest Group modem: +1 416 965 9290