[net.misc] New Book on Neuro-Linguist Programming, the best yet!

steiny@scc.UUCP (Don Steiny) (11/17/85)

	There is a new book on Neuro-Linguistic Programming
called "Using Your Brain - for a CHANGE."   It is by
Richard Bandler.   It is published by "Real People Press."

	I have been friends with John Grinder for about 6 years,
I have read all of the other books on NLP, and I have been to
several seminars.   For all this time I have regreted that
there was no book that provided a satisfying introduction
to the ideas and techniques.   John told me that he was
against publishing "Frogs into Princes" because it was too
much of a tease.  You can't learn the skills from the book.

	Richard's new book is exceptional in every way.
It is first person and he talks to you with his incredible
logic.   Within pages he reasons you into a new way of
looking at the world.  

	The he points out things that are obvious in such
a clear manner that it reminds me of the experience I had
when I read "The Blue and Brown Books" by Wittgenstein.
It brings to mind Wittgenstein's aphorism " .. observations
which no one has doubted but have escaped remark only
because they are alway before our eyes."

Don Steiny @ Don Steiny Software 
109 Torrey Pine Terrace
Santa Cruz, Calif. 95060
(408) 425-0382