[tor.general] June sublet sought

greiner@ai.toronto.edu (Russ Greiner) (05/10/89)

I need a place to stay from the end of May through the beginning of July
--- preferrably a sublet somewhere in the downtown area.  [These dates are
flexible, providing it includes the last few weeks of June.]

If you have any relevant information, please contact me at 924-4161 [h] 
or 978-6277 [w], or send Email to greiner@ai.toronto.edu.

| Russ Greiner                     U of T, Toronto M5S 1A4 CDN | 
| greiner@ai.toronto.edu		  uunet!utai!greiner   |
| greiner%ai.toronto.edu@csnet-relay            (416) 978-6277 |