[tor.general] Self-photo machines

rasmus@nttor.uucp (Rasmus Lerdorf) (11/18/89)

In article <1989Nov17.233125.7336@sq.sq.com> msb@sq.com (Mark Brader) writes:
>Are there still any of those machines where you put in some money
>and sit in them and they shoot 3 or 4 pictures of you left in the
>city?  If so, are any of them downtown?

There is some kind of government building on the South-East corner of
University and Dundas.  Right inside the door they have one of those machines.

Rasmus Lerdorf {lsuc,utzoo,mnetor}!dciem!nttor!rasmus | I'd rather be in Denmark
Northern Telecom, Toronto, Canada. (416)597-2090x2505 | SD Eng Waterloo '93

msb@sq.sq.com (Mark Brader) (11/19/89)

I've been informed that there are machines at Union Station, in the
Eaton Centre (two locations were mentioned), and at Woolworth's near Bathurst
station, as well as at Kresge's in Yorkdale.  I'm cancelling the article
in which I asked.  Thanks to all.

Mark Brader		    "People tend to assume that things they don't know
SoftQuad Inc., Toronto	     about are either safe or dangerous or useless,
utzoo!sq!msb, msb@sq.com     depending on their prejudices."    -- Tim Freeman

This article is in the public domain.

howard@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (Howard Lem) (11/21/89)

In article <1989Nov18.103956.25694@nttor.uucp> rasmus@nttor.UUCP (Rasmus Lerdorf) writes:
>In article <1989Nov17.233125.7336@sq.sq.com> msb@sq.com (Mark Brader) writes:
>>Are there still any of those machines where you put in some money
>>and sit in them and they shoot 3 or 4 pictures of you left in the
>>city?  If so, are any of them downtown?
>There is some kind of government building on the South-East corner of
>University and Dundas.  Right inside the door they have one of those machines.
    You might also try your local shopping mall.  Gerrard Square, Warden Woods,
and I think Yorkdale(by woolworth's) have em.  Don't remember if they're colour
or black & white.

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  Canada Post:	Howard Lem - University of Toronto Computing Services
		11 King's College Rd., Room 201B
		Toronto, Ont., Canada,  M5S 1A1
    Telephone:	(416) - 978 - 4310 {work}
	Email:	howard@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca

howard@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (Howard Lem) (11/21/89)

In my previous posting about this subject; I mentions that there was one
in Yorkdale by woolworth's.    

It should have read Yorkdale by Kresge's .

ps. I've always had difficulty telling woolworth's & kresge's apart :-)
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  Canada Post:	Howard Lem - University of Toronto Computing Services
		11 King's College Rd., Room 201B
		Toronto, Ont., Canada,  M5S 1A1
    Telephone:	(416) - 978 - 4310 {work}
	Email:	howard@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca