(Michael Roberts) (11/20/90)
I have the following system forsale: Amiga 1000 Personal Computer with 512KB memory 2MB Comspec Expansion Memory 14" Amiga colour monitor External 880KB drive GVC 2400 baud with non-volitile memory Roland 1011 dot matrix printer I will throw in for free all the software and manuals I have for this machine: Interceptor flight simulator Sublogic flight simulator Manx C compiler v3.6a Modula-2 compiler Excellence wordprocessor DeluxePaint Vidioscape Amiga Hardware and ROM Kernal manuals and lots of PD stuff and games. It all goes to the highest bid. Send mail to or call (416) 665-5430 work (416) 538-1719 home -- Michael Roberts, Computing Technology Group Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science 4850 Keele Street, North York Ont. M3J 3K1 +1 416 665-5430