[graf] DCS Christmas Party - Volunteers Required.

dret@dgp.toronto.edu (George Drettakis) (10/17/89)

YES YOU !! The department needs *YOU* to volunteer for the 
Christmas party. The annual Christmas party takes place
in early December every year and is one of the major events
in the Departments social life.

Volunteering for any of the following positions will be a fun,
enjoyable, fulfilling experience. Please dont shy away from
getting involved in the department.

This is the list of people that are absolutely necessary:

-Overall coordinator
 Someone to do things like booking the room, straighten out 
 any administrative stuff etc.
-Food coordinator
 This has always been a major undertaking. One or two people
 may be required. It involves arranging for other people to
 bring stuff in, buying some food, and generally making sure that
 everybody is well fed (and happy).
-Entertainment coordinator.
 Someone to take care of entertainment. You can do whatever you like
 in this position.

Other positions:
-Bar manager (and tenders) 
 People who do this have to take the special UofT course for servers.

-Clean-up coordinator.

-kid-sitting (videos, etc.)


-ticket taking at door 

-someone to rent dishes, silverware, salad bowls, etc.

This call is for both grad student *and* faculty, so please feel free to
volunteer. Sorry for the cross-postings, I am not sure if everybody reads

Thanks a lot,
	George Drettakis, 
 	(CSGSBS prez).