[net.rec.disc] Ultimate Players Association Memberships / Newsletter

nick@presby.UUCP (07/13/83)

    Join the Ultimate Players Association and receive a years 
subscription to the U.P.A. Newsletter.  The Newletter is the most
informative paper (next to this newsgroup of course) for Ultimate
players to read.  It announces major tournaments, rule changes and
keeps you informed about the structure of the U.P.A.

    As a U.P.A. member you can vote on rule changes and by-law
additions.  You can also purchase U.P.A. disc's for extremely low
prices.  The U.P.A. is a nation wide association including over 1000
Ultimate players throughout the U.S.  Through the newsletter you
can see how people throughout the country play Ultimate.

    To join send $7.00 to:

	U.P.A. Treasurer
	P.O. BOX 2600
	Mesa, Arizona  85204


     	Name:_____________________________________ Phone________________
	Address:__________________________________ Sex_________Age______
	        __________________________________ Team_________________

    Most better teams in the country have 100% U.P.A. members on their
teams.  50% of your team must be members if you want to compete in the
U.P.A. Regionals and Nationals this fall as voted on by the U.P.A. 
membership this spring.  So join the U.P.A. and join Ultimate players
throughout the country.  

			Don't Bee Square, Bee there!

						Saint Nicholas