nick@presby.UUCP (08/02/83)
What-It-Is Ultimate Captain's, If you don't know me already, I'm your Regional Coordinator. How's the Ultimate in your area this summer? Go to any big tour- naments? I had a great time playing Martian Ultimate with my team the Crusaders in the 6th Annual Mars Ultimate Classic over 4th of July weekend in Mars, PA. To get a feel for what went down this Spring and Summer I've enclosed the results of all the major tournaments. If you have any corrections and/or additions to this list, please send them to me. Thanks! Are you all ready for the National Ultimate Series this Fall! The only bid in so far for Nationals is New Orleans. Remember, if your team wants to compete in the Regionals this fall, you need to have 50% U.P.A. members on your team. On that note, I've enclosed U.P.A. membership/renewal forms. Note the change of ad- dress to our new U.P.A. Treasurer, Carney Foy. It's that time of year again for the Mid-Atlantic Ultimate Captain's Meeting. It will be held like last year in Washington, DC. at the Washington Monument Saturday September 3rd. I would like to start around 2:00 P.M., that should give everyone enough time to get there. I've enclosed an agenda of the meeting and a map to help you get there if your coming to Washington for the first time. If you've never been to a captain's meeting before, most or all of the fall tournament scheduling goes down. Team's announce their home tournaments and other team's sign up. The Sectionals and Regionals sights are voted on also. People complain about rules and then everyone plays a little pick-up Ultimate. It's a lot of fun! Most people stay the night and go to the Smithsonion Air & Space Museum's Frisbee clinic that attracts some of the best individual frisbee players around. I have been asked to run an Ultimate clinic at the Smithsonion this year. If you are staying Sunday and would like to help, see me at the captain's meeting and I can get you a job at the Smithsonion. I highly recommend staying for the weekend. There should be places for you to stay Saturday night or you can camp out near Washington. Brian Murphy, our new National Director, signed a contract this summer between Seagram Distillers Company, importer of Crown Royal, and the Ultimate Players Association (UPA) for sponsorship of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Ultimate Frisbee Championships. For our region this includes sponsorship of four or five Ultimate clinics, all four Sectional Championships and the Regional Cham- pionships. I'll be explaining the details of the sponsorship at the captain's meeting. College's, we're trying to put together a College National Championship Series for the Spring of 1984. Andy Bornstein will present a plan at the captain's meeting. This will have to be planned well in advance to get major sponsorship and TV coverage. Seagram's has already shown an interest in sponsoring it! We need to know how may college's will be interested. How would you like the New York City area Ultimate teams to compete in the Mid-Atlantic Region? This would probably include Kaboom, Heifers and a new team, Crimes of Passion. Andy Born- stein will make a presentation at the captain's meeting on how he would like to see the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Regions rear- range. I plan to have a preliminary vote on the subject there to get a feel for what people think of the idea. How did you like playing under the new 8th Edition Rules this Spring and Summer? Did you read the article in the last UPA Newsletter on Points versus Time? Would you support their amend- ment to switch to only point in the Rules? I would like to hear your comments at the captain's meeting. We will have a general discussion of the Rules and a preliminary vote on points versus time. I've started a disc newsgroup called 'net.rec.disc' on the USENET computer network. Most of the major university's have the network on their campus at their computer centers. I've put to- gether a list of all the university's on the network with a per- son to contact to help you send electronic mail messages throughout the country. You can read or post disc news articles with USENET. We should use it to announce tournaments and results, ask for team information, and general Ultimate news. Hope to see you at the captain's meeting and remember, when a ball dreams it dreams of being a disc! Saint Nicholas Puschak Mid-Atlantic Regional Coordinator Drexel University Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. 32nd & Chestnut Sts. Philadelphia, PA. 19104 Day: (215) 662-8730 or 8731 (215) 895-2935 or 2223 Night: (215) 763-7047 or 387-9435 USENET:(seismo!presby!nick)