[net.rec.disc] National Ultimate Championship Results

4391cjg@houxa.UUCP (12/05/83)

Greetings, campers. Here's some second-hand-therefore-sketchy info on 
Nationals in N'ahlins (New Orleans for you Yankees) over turkeytime.  
Anyone with more results PLEASE post.

Regional finalists were:

	NE	Rude Boys (Boston)
		KaBoom (NYC)
	Mid-Atl	Gang (NJ)
		Static Disrupters (DC)
	South	Dallas
		Shuman's Fat Women (Gainesville, Fla)
	Cent	Windy City (Chicago)
		Tunas (St. Louis)
	West	Condors (Santa Barbara)
		Spinoffs (San Diego)

Men's round-robin results:

	pool A				pool B

	Windy City	4-0		Condors		4-0
	Spinoffs	3-1		Dallas		3-1
	Rude Boys	2-2		KaBoom		2-2
	Static		1-3		Gang		1-3
	SFW		0-4		Tuna		0-4

		Spinoffs "killed" Condors
		Windy City "killed" Dallas

		(sorry, no scores...just that verbatim report from a twisted 
individual in attendance, and verified by Eric Simon)

			Windy City 20    Spinoffs 16
			Condors' earlier win over Dallas earned them 3rd
Women's results:
	1	Fishheads (Michigan State)
	2	Spinsters (Boston)
	3	Dark Star (Eugene, OR)
	4	Andromeda (DC)
	5	Gainesville, Fla.

Most folks I've talked to said that it was a great tournament, with most games 
extremely close.  Gang, for example, lost their 3 games by a total of 5 goals.
The women's final was a real thriller, with Fishheads making a dramatic
comeback from behind by scoring several goals into a very tough wind. Down 
10-8, they came back to defeat Spinsters 12-11.

well, it may be gonzo journalism, but it's something.  Any added info 
would be appreciated.  By the way, does anyone else in the NJ/PA/NYC area,
besides Princeton, actively play indoors during the winter? Does anyone have 
enough floorspace for an indoor mini tournament?  (Any and all suggestions 
welcome... I'm going thru withdrawal. Stop snickering, Fla. and Southern Cal)

				horizontally yours from a king of pain,
				chuck podaras
				Penguin Lust Ultimate
				c/o Bell Labs, rm 2D-226 
				Holmdel, NJ 07733
				201/949-7509 w
				201/530-7231 h