[net.text] Standard Cyrillic/ASCII mapping?

colonel@sunybcs.UUCP (George Sicherman) (02/20/84)

This line gets eaten by a w>@=nnnn---*

I don't know of a Russian alphabet mapping for ASCII, but IBM designed
one for EBCDIC.  If you don't mind forgoing lower-case, you can compose
theirs with one of the accepted ASCII-EBCDIC maps.

00    space space   10    &     K       20    -     -       30    0     0
01    A     A       11    J     L       21    /     /       31    1     1
02    B     B       12    K     M       22    S     F       32    2     2
03    C     V       13    L     N       23    T     KH      33    3     3
04    D     G       14    M     O       24    U     TS      34    4     4
05    E     D       15    N     P       25    V     CH      35    5     5
06    F     E       16    O     R       26    W     SH      36    6     6
07    G     ZH      17    P     S       27    X     SHCH    37    7     7
08    H     Z       18    Q     T       28    Y     Y       38    8     8
09    I     I       19    R     U       29    Z     M.Z.    39    9     9

0B    .     .       1B    $     LOZ.    2B    ,     ,       3B    #     YU
0C    <     I KR.   1C    *     *       2C    %     E OBO.  3C    @     YA

0E    +     +

Abbreviations:  I KR. is short I (I with a breve); E OBO. is backwards E;
M.Z. is Soft Sign; LOZ. is the lozenge symbol from the old IBM commercial
BCD character set (sort of a concave-sided square).  No Hard Sign or pre-
revolutionary letters.

Alternative:  adapt Russian Morse Code, which uses a more natural cor-
respondence (with International Morse).

		Col. G. L. Sicherman