[net.text] Wanted: A filter for lpr for TeX and a printronix

anita@utastro.UUCP (Anita Cochran) (06/22/84)

We have just gotten ahold of TeX for our VAX 11/780 running 4.2 bsd.
Unfortunately, we don't have a laser printer and it could be a while till
we get one.  We are interested in being able to play with TeX so that
we may evaluate it for our needs and, possibly, write macros.
This is hard without an output device.  In the man page for lpr,
the -d flag is supposed to enable printing of TeX dvi files.
However, it does not seem compatible with our Printronix dot matrix
printer (it might be for a Versatek -- no specifics are given).
Does anyone have a (free or close to it) filter for TeX dvi output
that would make it possible to print on our Printronix?  Any
pointers would be appreciated.
 Anita Cochran     uucp:  {noao, ut-sally, ut-ngp}!utastro!anita
                    or     seismo!ut-sally!utastro!anita
                   arpa:  anita@ut-ngp  
                   snail: Astronomy Department
                          The University of Texas at Austin
                          Austin, TX  78712
                   at&t:  (512) 471-4461