colonel@gloria.UUCP (09/03/84)
[I am the Bug, I am the Bug, Everybody knows that I am the Bug] Go ahead and kludge the macro packages. Cut marks are useless on any printer that uses sheets instead of roll paper. We did it and have not regretted it. -- Col. G. L. Sicherman ...seismo!rochester!rocksanne!rocksvax!sunybcs!gloria!colonel
acu@stat-l (Shoe) (09/07/84)
> Go ahead and kludge the macro packages. Cut marks are useless on > any printer that uses sheets instead of roll paper. Not exactly true. If you don't have ditroff and do have a Symbolics Laser Graphics Printer, the filter that converts CAT magic cookies to LGP magic cookies ("catlgp") demands the presence of cut marks to decide when to eject to a new page. (Not my fault, I didn't write it! (How does the Imagen software handle this?)) -- Mark Shoemaker /dev/shoe ...!pur-ee!pucc-k:acu mas@purdue Fear is our greatest limiter....
davel@dciem.UUCP (Dave Legg) (09/20/84)
We have an Imagen 5.480 laser printer, and it treats cut marks as data. In one file I decided to get rid of them by putting ".rm CM" at the top of the file, this caused no problem to the Imagen and made for nice clean pages. This was with the -ms package. I plan to add the .rm to the initialazation macro in tmac.s -- Dave Legg, DCIEM, Toronto, Ont. Canada. (416) 635-2065 {linus,ihnp4,uw-beaver,floyd}!utcsrgv!dciem!davel {allegra,ihnp4,linus,decvax}!utzoo!dciem!davel