[net.text] troff question on italics/underscore

joe@petsd.UUCP (Joe Orost) (11/19/84)

As long as we're on the subject.  Sometimes I want some text underlined.  I
have just started using "troff" and ".ul" causes is to go into "italic"
font.  Does anyone have a macro/method for underlining like "nroff" does in
"troff"?  Continuous underline seems easy, what I want is just the words
underlined, and for it to work in ".nf" mode, also.

Please send mail.  When I get a working one, I will post it.


Full-Name:  Joseph M. Orost
UUCP:       ..!{decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!vax135!petsd!joe
US Mail:    MS 313; Perkin-Elmer; 106 Apple St; Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Phone:      (201) 870-5844