[net.text] a guide to special characters in troff

lee@rochester.UUCP (Lee Moore) (07/24/85)

Below I have included a listing of special Troff characters that I have
found (or created).  It comes out of an appendix to a report that I
wrote on my exprience with typesetter-independent troff.  Your mileage
may vary.

The code is from the Xerox Character Encoding Standard (XSIS 058404).
The modivation is to provide a way for people in different places to
uniquely identify graphic symbols.  Also Xerox trys to be compatible
with various ISO etc. standards.  Some character code assignments are

The origin is my guess which implementation first used that character

lb lb lb lb lb
l l l l l.
name	symbol	code	english description	origin
!!	\(!!	0 | 241	exclamation down (see also ``\e(I!'')	[other]
!<			? 	[AT&T aps]
!<	\(!<	357 | 104	not less than	X
!=	\(!=	41 | 142	not equals 	C
!>			? 	[AT&T aps]
!>	\(!>	357 | 105	not greater than	X
!S	\(!S	357 | 136	not super-set	UR
!d	\(!d	357 | 107	does not divide	X
!m	\(!m	357 | 113	not a member of (see also ``\e(nm'')	X
!p	\(!p	357 | 111	not parallel	X
!s	\(!s	357 | 137	not sub-set	UR
$D	\($D	357 | 242	Dutch Guilder	X
$F	\($F	357 | 243	French Franc	X
$J	\($J	0 | 245	Japanese Yen	X
\(aa\(aa		0 | 315	\(''	double acute accent	X
.=	\(.=	357 | 163	equal by definition	X
*!	\(*!	41 | 172	five-pointed star	UR
**		356 | 52	math star 	C
*A	\(*A	46 | 101	Alpha	 	C
*B	\(*B	46 | 102	Beta 	C
*C	\(*C	46 | 121	Xi 	C
*D	\(*D	46 | 105	Delta 	C
*E	\(*E	46 | 106	Epsilon 	C
*F	\(*F	46 | 132	Phi 	C
*G	\(*G	46 | 104	Gamma 	C
*H	\(*H	46 | 113	Theta 	C
*I	\(*I	46 | 114	Iota 	C
*K	\(*K	46 | 115	Kappa 	C
*L	\(*L	46 | 116	Lambda 	C
*M	\(*M	46 | 117	Mu 	C
*N	\(*N	46 | 120	Nu 	C
*O	\(*O	46 | 122	Omicron 	C
*P	\(*P	46 | 123	Pi 	C
*Q	\(*Q	46 | 134	Psi 	C
*R	\(*R	46 | 125	Rho 	C
*S	\(*S	46 | 126	Sigma 	C
*T	\(*T	46 | 130	Tau 	C
*U	\(*U	46 | 131	Upsilon 	C
*V	\(*V		???	[other]
*W	\(*W	46 | 135	Omega 	C
*X	\(*X	46 | 133	Chi 	C
*Y	\(*Y	46 | 112	Eta 	C
*Z	\(*Z	46 | 111	Zeta 	C
*a	\(*a	46 | 141	alpha 	C
*b	\(*b	46 | 142	beta 	C
*c	\(*c	46 | 161	xi 	C
*d	\(*d	46 | 145	delta 	C
*e	\(*e	46 | 146	epsilon 	C
*f	\(*f	46 | 172	phi 	C
*g	\(*g	46 | 144	gamma 	C
*h	\(*h	46 | 153	theta 	C
*i	\(*i	46 | 154	iota 	C
*k	\(*k	46 | 155	kappa 	C
*l	\(*l	46 | 156	lambda 	C
*m	\(*m	46 | 157	mu 	C
*n	\(*n	46 | 160	nu 	C
*o	\(*o	46 | 162	omicron 	C
*p	\(*p	46 | 163	pi 	C
*q	\(*q	46 | 174	psi 	C
*r	\(*r	46 | 165	rho 	C
*s	\(*s	46 | 166	sigma 	C
*t	\(*t	46 | 170	tau 	C
*u	\(*u	46 | 171	upsilon 	C
*w	\(*w	46 | 175	omega 	C
*x	\(*x	46 | 173	chi 	C
*y	\(*y	46 | 152	eta 	C
*z	\(*z	46 | 151	zeta 	C
+\-	\(+-	0 | 261	plus-minus 	C
\-+			? 	A
\-+	\(-+	351 | 175	minus-plus	NYU
\->	\(->	0 | 256	right pointing arrow 	C
\-|	\(-|	357 | 67	right perpendicular	X
\..	\(..	0 | 310	diaeresis (or umlaut) (see also ``\e(um'') 	M
12	\(12	0 | 275	1/2 	C
13	\(13	357 | 375	1/3	X
14	\(14	0 | 274	1/4 	C
18	\(18	357 | 334	1/8	X
23	\(23	357 | 376	2/3	X
34	\(34	0 | 276	3/4 	C
38	\(38	0 | 335	3/8	X
4d			? 	A
58	\(58	0 | 336	5/8	X
78	\(78	0 | 337	7/8	X
:>	\(:>	357 | 117	double arrow right (see also ``\e(im'')	NYU
<\-	\(<-	0 | 254	left pointing arrow 	C
<<	\(<<	357 | 102	much less than	[NYU, Xerox]
<:	\(<:	357 | 115	double arrow left	NYU
<=	\(<=	41 | 145	<= (less than or equal) 	C
<>			? 	A
<>	\(<>	357 | 116	double headed arrow (usually differs from ``\e(io'')	X
=.			? 	A
==	\(==	357 | 162	identically equal 	C
=p			? 	A
=|	\(=|	357 | 71	right 2 perpindicular	X
><			? 	A
>=	\(>=	41 | 146	>= (greater than or equal) 	C
>>	\(>>	352 | 103	much greater than	NYU
?=	\(?=	357 | 164	questioned equality	X
A:	\(A:	361 | 47	uppercase A with an umlaut accent	UR
AE	\(AE	0 | 341	uppercase AE digraph	X
Ao	\(Ao	361 | 41	uppercase A with circle accent	X
C#	\(C#	357 | 254	complex number	UR
CB			? 	A
DT			? 	A
EG			? 	A
EL			? 	A
Fi	\(Fi	360 | 42	ffi ligature 	C
Fl	\(Fl	360 | 43	ffl ligature 	C
GE			? 	A
I!	\(I!	0 | 241	inverted ! (used in Spanish) (see also ``\e(!!'') 	UR
I?	\(I?	0 | 277	inverted ? (used in Spanish) 	UR
IK	\(IJ	0 | 346	uppercase IJ digraph	X
L.	\(L.		Small period 	M
L.	\(L.		Large period 	NYU
LE			? 	A
NE	\(NE	357 | 76	north-east pointing arrow	UR
NW	\(NW	357 | 74	north-west pointing arrow	UR
No	\(No	357 | 250	number (No.)	X
O/	\(O/	0 | 351	uppercase O with slash though it	X
O:	\(O:	361 | 124	uppercase O with umlaut accent	UR
OE	\(OE	0 | 252	uppercase OE digraph	X
PL	\(PL	0 | 250	L w/ slash (Polish L)	O
Pl	\(Pl	0 | 270	l w/ slash (Polish l)	O
QE	\(QE	357 | 270	Q.E.D.	X
R#	\(R#	357 | 256	Real Numbers	UR
RB			? 	A
RC			? 	A
SE	\(SE	357 | 75	south-east pointing arrow	UR
SQ			? 	A
SW	\(SW	357 | 77	south-west pointing arrow	UR
Sl	\(Sl	0 | 154	script l 	M, NYU
Sl			? 	A
UT			? 	A
[[	\([[		mark right	NYU
\e'	\'	357 | 302	acute accent (see also ``\e(aa'')	C
\e\-	\-	0 | 55	current font minus 	C
\e^	\^		1/12 em half-narrow space character 	C
\e_	\_		rule character 	A
\e`	\`	0 | 301	grave accent (see also ``\e(ga'') 	C
\e|	\|		1/6 em narrow space character 	C
]]	\(]]		mark right	NYU
__	\(__		blank space symbol	UR
a+	\(a+	357 | 142	abstract plus (circle plus)	X
a-	\(a-	357 | 143	abstract minus (circle minus)	X
a/	\(a/	357 | 145	abstract divide (circle divide)	X
a:	\(a:	361 | 247	lowercase a with umlaut accent	UR
a^	\(a^	?	lower-case circu accent 	CWI
aa	\(aa	0 | 301	acute accent (see also \e' ) 	C
ab	\(ab	?	lower-case diaer accent	CWI
ad	\(ad	?	lower-case breve accent	CWI
ae	\(ae	0 | 261	lower-case ae diph	CWI
ag	\(ag	357 | 154	angle	X
ai	\(ai		?	O
al	\(al	357 | 247	generic infinity (aleph)	M,NYU
an			? 	A
an	\(an	357 | 266	boolean "and"	NYU
ao	\(ao	361 | 250	lowercase a with circle accent	UR
ap	\(ap	356 | 166	approximates (middle level tilde) 	C
as			? 	A
ax	\(ax	357 | 144	abstract multiply (circle-times)	X
b0	\(b0		45 degree tilt	NYU
b9	\(b9		90 degree tilt	NYU
bc			? 	A
bc	\(bc	357 | 157	three dots meaning: because	X
be	\(be	0 | 306	breve accent	X
br	\(br	357 | 344	box vertical rule 	C
bs			Bell System logo 	C
bt	\(bt	357 | 160	bottom (perpendicular) 	NYU
bu	\(bu	357 | 146	bullet 	C
bv	\(bv	356 | 341	bold vertical (middle segment of backet building chars) 	C
bx	\(bx	42 | 43	black box 	M,A,NYU
c,	\(c,	361 | 255	lower case c with cedilla	UR
ca	\(ca	357 | 126	cap (set intersection) 	C
cd	\(cd	0 | 313	cedilla 	M,NYU
cf	\(cf	357 | 100	in care of, c/o	X
ci	\(ci	41 | 173	big open circle 	C
cm	\(cm	357 | 114	contains as a member (mirror image of ``\e(mo'')	X
co	\(co	0 | 323	copyright symbol ("c" in a circle) 	C
cp	\(cp		cap (upside down breve)	O
cr	\(cr	360 | 275	printing symbol for carriage return	UR
cs	\(cs	357 | 166	contour integral sign	X
ct	\(ct	0 | 242	cent sign 	C
cu	\(cu	357 | 127	cup (set union) 	C
cy			? 	A
d<	\(d<	0 | 253	double left guillemet	X
d>	\(d>	0 | 273	double right guillemet	X
da	\(da	0 | 257	down arrow 	C
dc	\(dc		?	O
dd	\(dd	357 | 61	double dagger 	C
de	\(de	0 | 260	degree 	C
dg	\(dg	357 | 60	dagger 	C
di	\(di	0 | 270	divide 	C
dm	\(dm	41 | 176	diamond 	NYU
dt	\(dt	0 | 307	dot accent	X
eg			? 	A
el			? 	A
em	\(em		3/4 em dash 	C
en			? (en-dash? 3/4 en-dash?) 	M
eq	\(eq	0 | 75	math equals (invarient w.r.t. current font) 	C
es	\(es	357 | 171	empty set 	C
fa	\(fa	357 | 265	for all (inverted A) 	NYU
fe	\(fe	41 | 152	female 	M,NYU
ff	\(ff	360 | 41	ff ligature 	C
fi	\(fi	360 | 44	fi ligature 	C
fl	\(fl	360 | 45	fl ligature 	C
fm	\(fm		footmark 	C
ga	\(ga	0 | 301	grave accent (see also \` )	C
ge			? 	A
gp			? 	A
gr	\(gr	0 | 357 | 271	gradient (nabla) 	C
h/	\(h/	357 | 150	Plank's constant	UR
hc	\(hc	0 | 317	hacek (caron) 	M, NYU
hy	\(hy	41 | 76	hyphen 	C
ib	\(ib	357 | 131	improper subset 	C
if	\(if	41 | 147	infinity 	C
ij	\(ij	0 | 366	lowercase ij digraph	X
im	\(im	357 | 117	implies 	NYU
io	\(io	356 | 116	if and only iff ( <=> ) 	NYU
ip	\(ip	357 | 136	improper superset 	C
is	\(is	357 | 165	integral sign 	C
l.	\(l.		small period 	[AT&T M202, NYU]
l<	\(l<	357 | 62	left bracket	X
la	\(la	357 | 266	logic and (see also ``\e(an'')	NYU
lb	\(lb	356 | 345	left bottom of big curly bracket 	C
lc	\(lc	356 | 163	left ceiling (left top of big square bracket) 	C
ld			? 	A
le			? 	A
lf	\(lf	356 | 164	left floor (left bottom of big square bracket) 	C
lh		357 | 265	left pointing hand 	C
li	\(li	357 | 265	litre (liter)	X
lk	\(lk	356 | 346	left center of big curly bracket 	C
lo	\(lo	357 | 267	boolean "or" (\e/) 	NYU
lq	\(lq	0 | 252	double left quote	NYU
lt	\(lt	356 | 344	left top of big curly bracket 	C
m.	\(m.	0 | 267	math dot (centered dot)	NYU
ma		41 | 151	male 	[AT&T M202, NYU]
ma	\(ma	0 | 305	macron accent X
mc	\(mc	357 | 147	math composition (centered small circle) 	NYU
mc		0 | 55	macron (see also ``\e(ma'')	O
mi	\(mi	0 | 55	math minus (invarient w.r.t. current font) 	C
mo	\(mo	357 | 112	member of 	C
mt	\(mt	41 | 154	minutes	X
mu	\(mu	0 | 264	multiply symbol 	C
n'	\(n'	357 | 47	neutral single quote	X
nm	\(nm	357 | 113	not member (see also ``\e(!m'')	NYU
no	\(no	357 | 152	"not" symbol 	C
o/	\(o/	0 | 371	lowercase o with slash through it	X
o:	\(o:	361 | 324	lowercase o with umlaut accent	UR
ob	\(ob		open circle (outline bullet) 	M
ob			? 	A
oe	\(oe	0 | 372	lower-case oe diph 	CWI, X
og	\(og	0 | 316	ognek accent	X
or	\(or	357 | 106	"or" bar 	C
os			? 	A
pc	\(pc	357 | 124	properly contains, type 1	X
pd	\(pd	357 | 272	partial derivative 	C
pi	\(pi	357 | 125	properly contained in, type 1	X
pl	\(pl	0 | 53	math plus (invarient w.r.t. current font) 	C
pm	\(pm	357 | 101	per mil, %o	X
po	\(po	0 | 243	pound sterling (see also ``\e(ps'')	NYU
pp	\(pp	0 | 266	paragraph symbol 	[AT&T M202, aps, NYU]
ps	\(ps	0 | 243	pound sterling (see also ``\e(po'')	O
ps			? 	A
pt	\(pt	357 | 161	proportional to 	C
r1	\(r1	357 | 120	reversible reaction, type1	X
r2	\(r2	357 | 121	reversible reaction, type2	X
r>	\(r>	357 | 63	right angle bracket (not less than)	X
ra			? 	A
rb	\(rb	356 | 343	right bottom of big curly bracket 	C
rc	\(rc	356 | 166	right ceiling (right top of big square bracket) 	C
rd			? 	A
rf	\(rf	356 | 167	right floor (right bottom of big square bracket) 	C
rg	\(rg	0 | 322	registered symbol ("r" in a circle) 	C
rh		357 | 64	right pointing hand 	C
ri	\(ri	0 | 312	ring (or circle) accent	X
rk	\(rk	238 | 342	right center of big curly bracket 	C
rn	\(rn	257 | 320	root en extender (matches top of "\e(sq") 	C
rq	\(rq	0 | 272	right double quote	NYU
rt	\(rt	238 | 340	right top of big curly bracket 	C
ru	\(ru	?	baseline rule 	C
sa	\(sa		?	O
sb	\(sb	357 | 133	subset of (right horseshoe) 	C
sc	\(sc	0 | 247	section marker 	C
sd	\(sd	41 | 155	seconds	X
sg	\(sg	357 | 155	spherical angle
sl	\(sl	0 | 57	slash (matching backslash) 	C
sp	\(sp	357 | 132	superset of (left horseshoe) 	C
sq	\(sq	42 | 42	square 	C
sr	\(sr	357 | 174	square root 	C
ss	\(ss	0 | 373	german script ss 	M
st	\(st	357 | 66	turnstyle ( see also ``\e(|\-'') 	[NYU?]
te	\(te	357 | 264	there exists (reflected E) 	[NYU, UofR]
tf			? 	A
tf	\(tf	41 | 150	three dots meaning: therefore	X
tm	\(tm	0 | 324	trademark	X
to	\(to	357 | 160	top (inverted bottom) (see ``\e(bt'') 	NYU
tp	\(tp	357 | 274	telephone 	[AT&T M202, NYU]
tr	\(tr	42 | 44	triangle	UR
ts	\(ts	46 | 167	terminal sigma 	C
u:	\(u:	361 | 245	lowercase u with umlaut accent	UR
ua	\(ua	0 | 255	up-arrow 	C
ud	\(ud	43 | 326	under (low) dot accent	UR
ui	\(ui	0 | 365	undotted i	NYU
uj	\(uj	o | 345	undotted j	NYU
ul	\(ul	0 | 137	under-rule (mates with ``\e(br'') 	C
um	\(um	0 | 310	umlaut (diaeresis) accent (see also ``\e(..'')	X
vr	\(vr	?	verticle rule - lines up with \e(ru 	M
wi	\(wi		?	O
yi	\(yi	0 | 245	Japanese yen (see also ``\e($J'')	O
|\-	\(|-	357 | 66	turnstyle (see also ``\e(st'')	X
|=	\(|=	357 | 70	left 2 perpendicular	X
||	\(||	41 | 102	is parallel	[UofR, Xerox]
~=	\(~=	357 | 167	approximately equals 	C
~>	\(~>	357 | 123	wiggly arrow	X
~~	\(~~	357 | 171	squiggly equals 	M
.ip "C"
the original troff implementation at Bell Labs for the C/A/T phototypsetter.
.ip "AT&T aps"
AT&T Bell Labs. implementation for the APS-5.
.ip "M"
AT&T Bell Labs. implementation for the Mergenthaler Linotron 202
.ip "CWI"
from paper by Jaap Akkerhuis at European Unix(tm) Systems
User Group Autumn Meeting 7th-9th Sept. 1983, Trinity College,
.ip "NYU"
Post-processor developed by Lou Salkind at NYU for the Imagen.
.ip "O"
Source location could not be determined.
.ip "UofR"
University of Rochester -- as described herein
.ip "X"
Post-processor for I\s-2NTERPRESS\s+2 developed at the Xerox Webster
Research Center.
TCP/IP:		lee@rochester.arpa
UUCP:		{decvax, allegra, seismo, cmcl2}!rochester!lee
XNS:		Lee Moore:CS:Univ Rochester
Phone:		+1 (716) 275-7747, -5671
Physical:	43 01' 40'' N, 77 37' 49'' W