[net.text] Help needed with LaTeX indices

matt@oddjob.UUCP (Matt Crawford) (09/10/85)

We have just obtained LaTeX and I am trying to run off the
(obsolete, preliminary) manual in =doc/tmanual.*.

The only stumbling block is the generation of tmanual.ind
from the automatically-created tmanual.idx file.  I see no
way to get TeX to do this, and if it's supposed to be done
by a separate program, I can't find that program anywhere.

Any leads?
Matt		University	crawford@anl-mcs.arpa
Crawford	of Chicago	ihnp4!oddjob!matt

quent@isucs1.UUCP (09/10/85)

The stuff in our LaTeX/=doc directory included a file called tmanual.ind
which looks like it was somehow magically created from the tmanual.idx file.
The problem we ran into was that we couldn't change the margins used to print
the manual without having to create a new index since the page numbers
would all be different.

By the way... does anyone know if and when the real Addison-Wesley version
of the LaTeX manual will be available?

				Quent Johnson
				ISU Computer Science Department
				(515) 294-7214

				CSNET: quent@iowa-state
				UUCP: ...umn-cs!isucs1!quent