[net.text] tabs in troff

terry@nrcvax.UUCP (Terry Grevstad) (10/10/85)

For those of you out there who seem to have had the same problems that
I did in getting tabs to work in troff, I found a nifty little

Putting tabs into a macro makes the "\t" command work, but sometimes
putting things into macro form is more hassle than it's worth.  SO...

define a string as the "\t" command.  It works just fine.  I did it
like this:

               .ta 1i 3i 5i
               .ds T \t

and, if you have a terminal with programmable keys, you can program
your \*T into one of the keys and use it instead of a tab key.

I don't know why tabs per se won't work for me.  Maybe my terminal
just doesn't create the appropriate tab character (Wyse 75), maybe
"vi" doesn't.  But they *DON'T* work, so don't bother flaming me 
and insisting they *DO* work.  I'm just happy I've discovered a 
relatively painless way to get the output I want.

And, since I'm obviously not the only person with this problem by the
amount of mail I received regarding my original posting, I thought I
would pass along what I have learned.


                                                       Terry Grevstad
                                         Network Research Corporation