linda@hao.UUCP (Linda McCune) (01/22/86)
We have recently completed a manual: UNIX Word Processing at HAO (For Use with the 4.2 BSD Version and -me Macro Package) Nancy Dawson Following is its abstract: The manual describes UNIX* word processing commands, with examples of the exact input and resulting output for each command. It is intended for use with the 4.2 BSD version of UNIX, utilizing troff and the -me macro package. Since the manual was written for use at the High Altitude Observatory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, it includes some commands that are local to HAO, directions for writing HAO letters and memos, mathematical, special, and Greek characters in use at HAO, and a brief discussion of the HAO hardware. With the exception of these sections, the manual is usable by UNIX 4.2 BSD users at other locations. The manual does not contain the word processing commands for tables and equations, since those topics are adequately documented in the UNIX Programmer's Manual. A few UNIX com- mands that are frequently used with word processing are dis- cussed. A list of "vi" editor commands is included, but the manual is not a primary source for learning editing com- mands. Most of the manual consists of explanations of indi- vidual commands and examples. The manual can be obtained by contacting: NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) Publications Office P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 303-497-1171 and requesting: NCAR Technical Note - 263 + IA I understand that there is no charge. (Please do not contact me - I cannot distribute them myself!) I feel the manual is very well done. It is clear, concise, in "plain english" and is filled with examples. I hope you find it helpful. Linda McCune