[net.text] Making Headlines with TeX

chu@gvax.cs.cornell.edu (clare chu) (06/16/86)


  Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to make headlines for
TeX that are more than one line high.  In the TeXbook
they only have examples where the headline is a one liner.

Specifically, I want to make a logo which will go at the
top of every page automatically.  Any help or comments
will be appreciated.  Thanks,


pertin@lifia.UUCP (Troccaz Joce) (06/30/86)

In article <415@gvax.cs.cornell.edu> chu@gvax.UUCP (clare chu) writes:
>  Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to make headlines for
>TeX that are more than one line high.  In the TeXbook
>they only have examples where the headline is a one liner.
>Specifically, I want to make a logo which will go at the
>top of every page automatically.  Any help or comments
>will be appreciated.  Thanks,
>                                Clare

 I had some troubles for making headlines larger than the
standard one. The only solution I found has been modifying the 
macros file (in my case it was rapport.sty).

 My wish was to have headers with special types of characters
(italic for the text and bold for the page number) all this 
being underlined. After many trials and errors, I succeeded 
using the TeX command stackrel with other commands to artificially
enlarge the space devoted to the headings (the stackrel with
the hrulefill is not sufficient).

I put there the piece of my macro-file concerning this headings,
hoping that my experience will help you:

\if@twoside \def\ps@headings{\def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenfoot{}
\def\@evenhead{$ \stackrel {\stackrel {\hspace {14cm}}
                                      {\mbox{\rm \bf \thepage}
                                       \mbox{\sl \leftmark}}}
                           {\stackrel {\hspace {14cm}}
                                      {\hrulefill}} $ }
\def\@oddhead{$ \stackrel {\stackrel {\hspace {14cm}}
                                     {\mbox{\sl \rightmark}
                                      \mbox{\rm \bf \thepage}}}
                          {\stackrel {\hspace{14cm}}
                                     {\hrulefill}} $ }

It has been the minimum set of commands that gave the good result!...

P.S Can anybody send me the book package, because, of course, we have not
and we need it?