[net.misc] Alcoholism

showard@udenva.UUCP (Mr. Blore) (05/05/86)

In article <190@brl-sem.ARPA> ron@brl-sem.ARPA (Ron Natalie <ron>) writes:
>>  Alcoholism is a disease that someone is born with; it is often heredetary.
>Perhaps.  I don't believe this either.

There is a good body of evidence that children of alcoholics are at much
higher risk for becoming alcoholics themselves.

>                                        The problem is that once someone
>has developed a habitual behaviour it is near impossible to eradicate it.
>You can force yourself into abstinance or rationing, but the habit is still

Not necessarily true, and it doesn't really apply in this case.  Alcohol is
both physically and psychologically addictive, as are most addictive drugs
(except cocaine which is only psychologically addictive).  Many people can
rid themselves of bad habits, either alone or with professional help.


"The laws of nature don't work if there's nobody looking"

Mr. Blore, the DJ who would not die
                      {hplabs, seismo}!hao!udenva!showard
or {boulder, cires, ucbvax!nbires, cisden}!udenva!showard