[tek.general] something to read...

keithe@teklabs.UUCP (08/18/83)

When a former office-mate moved out he left a copy of this (apparent)
letter to the editor hanging on the wall. I don't know what magazine it
came from...


	H e r e,  i n   t h e   w o o d w o r k

		We (the Edisons) have not gone anywhere. We simply have 
	been relegated to the corner, the woodwork, or the cubbyhole by the
	geniuses of middle and upper management.
		We are frustrated, bottled up, and hopping mad; victims of
	both the MBA syndrome and Putt's Law:

		Technology is dominated by two types of people: those
		who understand what they do not manage, and those who
		manage what they do not understand. 
						-Archibald Putt
						 January 1976

		Management is more interested in conformity than creati-
	vity - paperwork is more important than performance. The inventor
	tends to be a free spirit, a maverick, something of a nonconformist.
	It is the nature of the beast. It is a nature that mystifies and
	terrifies the MBA in the Brooks Bros. suit and the Gucci shoes (or
	the other gender in equivalent fashions).
		The corporate nooks and crannies are full of us Edisons, and
	most of us do not expect to climb to the top of the corporate ladder.
	We are competent, serious professionals who find great satisfaction 
	in being able to make a creative contribution to the corporate health.
		We understand and appreciate the free enterprise system. We
	love our country. We want to do our share to help America reach its
	potential greatness - and we know that this cannot happen without
	mining the mother lode of our creativity.
					David P. Fowler, BSME
	Irving, TX


keith ericson at teklabs