[eunet.general] CFP Eurographics'90 Conference

ivan@cwi.nl (Ivan Herman) (06/07/89)

        Call for Papers, Call for Tutorials and Call for State of the
                           Art Reports
                          EUROGRAPHICS '90
                        September 3-7, 1990
                       Montreux, Switzerland

                 Images: Synthesis, Analysis and Interaction

                      Call for Participation
                        (first announcement)

The EUROGRAPHICS Association is 10 years old in September 1990.
For the last 10 years, EUROGRAPHICS has served the European and 
worldwide research community in computer graphics and its applications,
through the annual event, journal, workshop programme and other 

In the past, EUROGRAPHICS conferences have concentrated in the main on
topics traditionally associated with computer graphics and human
computer interaction. EUROGRAPHICS '90 will continue to address such 

For EUROGRAPHICS '90, a new theme of the conference will be the 
relationship between image synthesis (traditionally the domain of 
computer graphics) and image processing and computer vision.

It is now clear that there is overlap between image synthesis and image
analysis in both techniques and applications. For example, as computer
graphics is used more and more in the visualization of scientific and
engineering computations, so it looks likely that image processing
techniques will be used to help develop an understanding of the results.

Tutorials, state of the art reports and invited papers will address the
relationship between graphics and image processing, at both introductory
and advanced levels, and submitted papers are invited in this area.


                           September 5-7, 1990

Papers selected by the International Programme Committee will present
the most relevant and recent developments in Computer Graphics.
The Conference Proceedings will be published by North-Holland.

List of Topics

Graphics Hardware
Graphics and Parallelism
Distributed Graphics
Visualization Techniques
Animation and Simulation
Image Processing
Sampling Theory
Image Filtering
Image Representation
Computational Geometry
Graphics Algorithms and Techniques
Exchange of Product Data
Graphics for CAD, CAM, CAE, ...
Human-Computer Interaction
Human Factors
Tool Kits for UIMS and WMs
Presentation Graphics
Graphics in the Office
Graphics in Publication and Documentation
Page Description Languages
Novel Graphics Applications
Graphics as an Experimental Tool
Graphics in Education
Integration of Graphics and Data Bases
Multi Media Graphics


Authors are invited to submit unpublished original papers related to 
recent developments in computer graphics and image processing.  Full 
papers (maximum 5000 words) including illustrations, should be sent to 
the Conference Secretariat by Nov. 15,1989.  Authors should indicate 
the topic area(s) they consider appropriate for the paper.  The first 
page should include the title, name of the author(s), affiliation, 
address, telephone, telex, and telefax numbers, and electronic mail
address, together with an abstract (maximum 200 words). Papers with 
multiple authors should clearly indicate to which author correspondence
should be addressed.

The author of the Best Paper, selected by an international jury, will 
receive the Gunter Enderle Award, which includes a cash prize. The best
three papers will be also published in an international journal.

Lectures will be given in English and all papers should be submitted 
in English.


                          September 3-4, 1990

The first two days of the event will be devoted to the tutorial 
programme. Tutorials will be given by leading international experts 
and will cover a wide range of topics offering an excellent opportunity
for professional development in computer graphics and related areas.
The programme includes both introductory and advanced tutorials.

Each tutorial will occupy one full day. Lecture notes will be provided
for attendees.

Preliminary List of Topics

Introduction to Image Processing
Introduction to Ray Tracing and Radiosity
Image Reconstruction
Superworkstations for Graphics
Human Visual Perception
Intelligent CAD Systems
Free-form Surfaces and CSG
Graphics and Distributed Environments
Scientific Data Visualization
Computer Vision
Traditional Animation: A Fresh Look
Computer Graphics for Software Engineering

The list of topics is still preliminary; the organisers would welcome 
any new proposal for tutorials.


                        STATE OF THE ART REPORTS
                          September 5-7, 1990

In parallel with the conference proper, a series of 1 1/2 hour reports 
on topics of wide current interest will be given by leading experts in
the fields.  These will serve to keep attendees abreast of the state
of the art in these fields and recent significant advances.

Preliminary List of Topics

Standardization in Graphics and Image Processing: Present and Future
Advanced Rendering
Object Oriented Design in Action
Digital Typography
Simulation of Natural Phenomena
Advanced Mathematics and Computer Graphics
Interactive Graphics and Video Discs
Graphics - Education
Human Prototyping

The list of topics is still preliminary; the organisers would welcome 
any new proposal for tutorials.


                         VIDEO AND FILM COMPETITION

There will be a competition of computer-generated videos and films, 
with prizes awarded for the best entries based on creativity and 
technical excellence.  Submissions are invited for scientific and 
technical applications, art and real-time generated sequences. Entries 
will be shown during the conference.


                              SLIDE COMPETITION

A competition will also be held for artistic images and scientific and
technical images submitted on 35mm slides. Prizes will be awarded for 
the best entries and slides will be shown during the conference.

The closing date for submission to both competitions will be June 15, 
1990. Entries should be sent to the Conference Secretariat. Rules for 
the competition will be sent to people returning the slip and 
indicating their intention to submit.


                             IMPORTANT DATES

Fill in and mail the attached reply card

July 15, 1989
Deadline for proposals for tutorials and state of the art reports

November 15, 1989:
Full paper should be received by Conference Secretariat

January 12, 1990:
International Programme Committee meeting

January 31, 1990:
Notification of acceptance or refusal of papers

March 31, 1990:
Final version of the accepted contributions should be
received by Conference Secretariat

April 1990:
Distribution of Preliminary Programme for EUROGRAPHICS '90

June 15, 1990:
Deadline for receiving Video, Film and Slide Competition entries

September 3-7, 1990:
in Montreux

Official Conference Language is English


                            ORGANISING COMMITTEE

Conference Chairmen:                        Michel Roch (CH) 
                                            Michel Grave (F)

International programme committee (Chairs): David Duce (UK), 
                                            Carlo Vandoni (CH)

International programme committee (Members):

C. Binot (F)
W. Boehm (FRG)
P. Bono (USA)
K. Brodlie (UK)
P. Brunet (ESP)
S. Coquillart (F)
L. Dreschler-Fisher (FRG)
A. Ducrot (F)
P. Egloff (FRG)
J. Encarnacao (FRG)
B. Falcidieno (I)
A. Gagalowicz (F)
R. Gnatz (FRG)
M. Gomes (P)
P. ten Hagen (NL)
W. Hansmann (FRG)
R. Hersch (CH)
F. Hopgood (UK)
R. Hubbold (UK)
E. Jansen (NL)
M. Jern (DK)
K. Kansy (FRG)
M. Kocher (CH)
C. Pellegrini (CH)
F. Post (NL)
J. Prior (UK)
W. Purgathofer (AU)
W. Strasser (FRG)
P. Stucki (CH)

Tutorial chairmen:                          Ivan Herman (NL) 
                                            Gerald Garcia (CH)

State of the art reports chairmen:          Bertrand Ibrahim (CH) 
                                            Thierry Pun (CH)

Exhibition chairman:                        Jean-Francois L'Haire (CH)

Video, film, slide competitions:            Jean-Marie Moser (CH) 
                                            Daniel Bernard (CH)

Congress Organization: Georges Peneveyre
Paleo Arts et Spectacles
Case postale 177
CH - 1260 Nyon
Tel.: +41-22-62-13-33
Telex: 419 834
Telefax: +41-22-62-13-34


                           REPLY FORM

I intend to submit a full paper with the following title:

I enclose a full paper (to be submitted before November 15, 1989)

I intend to submit a video  film  slides
(to be submitted before June 15, 1990)

I would like to receive an information package for exhibitors

I would be interested in giving a tutorial or state of the art report
(include detailed abstract; submit before June 30, 1989)

I intend to participate at the congress
    1 Tutorial

    2 Tutorials

Date:       Signature:

For Further Information Please Contact:

Case postale 177
CH - 1260 Nyon
Tel.: +41-22-62-13-33
Telex: 419 834
Telefax: +41-22-62-13-34

                         MAILING ADDRESSES:

Main address:

Case postale 177
CH - 1260 Nyon
Tel.: +41-22-62-13-33
Telex: 419 834
Telefax: +41-22-62-13-34

In case of submission of a state if the art report proposal (AND ONLY IN 
THIS CASE) you may also address:

Thierry Pun
EG'90 State of the Art Report Co-chairman
Computing Center, University of Geneva
12, rue du Lac
CH - 1207 Geneve
Tel.: +41-22-787-65-82
Fax.: +41-22-735-39-05
Email: pun@cui.unige.ch, pun@cgeuge51.bitnet
Telex: CH 423 801 UNI

In case of submission of a tutorial proposal (AND ONLY IN THIS CASE)
you may also address:

Ivan Herman
EG'90 Tutorial Co-chairman
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Sciences (CWI)
Dept. of Interactive Systems
Kruislaan 413
NL - 1098 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. (31)20-592-41-64
Telex: 12571 MACTR NL
Telefax: +31-20-592-4199
Email: ivan@cwi.nl (UUCP), ivan@tuintje.cwi.nl (from BITNET)

All other questions regarding the conference organisation, as well as 
submission of papers, have to be addressed to the Conference secretariat
address given above.