sms@exodus.UUCP (Stephe Sutor) (08/31/84)
SPOILER WARNING. The following discusses variant details of the movie, which you should see first. More dead space for those who are using more. I had the fortunate chance to see "Buckaroo Banzai". Though poorly editted, it has a lively sound track, and is loaded with subtle crazed humor. It will not surpass Rocky Horror, but it is a film many emerging engineering students ( or anyone who feels a twinge of pity whenever James Bond kills off hundreds of harmless mad scientists ) should see. Pay attention to the little details like background voices ( "Oh looook, he is going to plaay the piiaaano" ). < The following is in no way an officially sanctioned comment from any company.> I mean it, see the movie first. The newly unreleased film "Buckaroo Banzai", called "one of the most exciting movies ... this year ...." in today`s Wall Street Journal, normally a sane conservative paper, shows a surprising view of what used to be Bell Labs ( before Buckaroo in the form of Judge Green divested it ). Now it is plicit that BL is the sed institution, as certain details of its location, style, and employees all but give it away. To wit: 1. it is located in New Jersey. In fact NJ is a running joke in this film [ some would say that NJ is a joke anyway ... ] 2. The word 'bell` is displayed obliquely several times. It is disguised as the bell in Bell Aerospace or on a telephone booth, but it is there anyway. 3. The shots of the inside, the guts if you will, of the labs are patently biased on what the Real BL used to be, especially the basement scenes. 4. It works with the government, usually despite the government. 5. The secret weapon is the Oscillation Overthruster. 6. There are red droids from another world ( Cal ? :) 7. There are Real Engineers. Real Engineers play in rock bands, Perform delicate brain surgery, and twiddle nothing more than quanta I hope to see it running soon in the Real NJ <From one who has seen the lower sub-basement of Murray Hill, and lived to tell. Stephe ' wherever you go - there you are `