[ne.general] NumberCrunch Update?

carl@aoa.UUCP (Carl Witthoft) (04/23/91)

Looking for NumberCrunch,or the author, J. Mahoney of
Marlboro VT.  (As of 1988, anyway)
I have a copy of the 1988 1.0 (I think) release, and would like
to know if there have been newer versions released. 
Jim or anyone who knows his whereabouts, let me know. Thanks.
PS I have lots of great ideas for library functions to add and
things to spiff up NumberCrunch operation :=)

Alix' and Luke's Dad ( Carl Witthoft @ Adaptive Optics Associates)
{decvax,linus,ima,ihnp4}!bbncca!aoa!carl OR  {wjh12,mit-vax}!bbn!aoa!carl
54 CambridgePark Drive, Cambridge,MA 02140 617-864-0201
##I know it's true: I saw it on TV##