[net.crypt] Description of AMD chips

ylh@grpthry.UUCP ( ylh ) (07/04/86)

> How fast are they? What do they cost?
Here's a bit more detail:
Called the Data Cipering Processors,
Am9518	- 3MHz version, Z8000-type bus interface
		 up to 1.3 Mbyte/s ciphering throughput
AmZ8068	- 4MHz version, Z8000-type bus interface
		 up to 1.7 Mbyte/s ciphering throughput
Am9568	- 4MHz version, 8086-type bus interface
		 up to 1.5 Mbyte/s ciphering throughput
The spiel from brochures:
Encrypts and decrypts data
	Implements NBS standard data encryption algorithm
Throughput over 1.5M bytes per second
	Operates at data rates fast enough for disk controllers
	high-speed DMA, telecommunication channels
Supports 3 ciphering options
	Electronic Code Book for disk applications
	Cipher Block Chain for high-speed telecommunications
	Cipher Feedback for low to medium speed byte oriented communications
3 separate key registers on one chip
	Separate registers for encryption key, decryption key,
	and master key 
3 separate data ports provide flexible interface, improved security
Cost is about $30-$50, I believe.

Y L Huang, grouptheory systems incorporated         (613) 594 0227