[net.movies.sw] The Emperor's Death in RotJ

gjphw@ihuxm.UUCP (06/01/83)

   One comment in net.sf-lovers said that Darth Vader killed the Emperor to
save Luke's life.  This is not consistent with the presentation made in the
RotJ book (available in paperback).  In the book, it is made obvious that
Vader is just waiting for an opportunity to overthrow the Emperor and take
over.  The Emperor's attacks on Luke both keeps him occupied and drains some
of his power so that Darth sees a chance to act.  Darth is successful in the
short run but loses in the long run.

   In general, the book contains much more detail about the plot than the
movie does.  This must be in compensation for the difficulty of presenting
exciting special moviemaking effects in print.  Anyway, a reading of the book
may alter the interpretation of some scenes in RotJ.

                                                Patrick Wyant
                                                Bell Labs (Illinois)