[net.movies.sw] Jedi Afterlife


From:  Robert Amsler <AMSLER@SRI-AI.ARPA>

Darth Vader doesn't vanish because he was "more machine than man"
when he died. The machine part wouldn't have gone anyway.

I'm surprised nobody has commented on my hypothesis that these
persona of dead Jedi are not in fact separate entities, but
either wholly living WITHIN Luke Skywalker or only able to
manifest themselves by using Luke as a link into this world.

Nobody but Luke sees them. Nobody but Luke hears them. They
somehow manage to get around the universe and find Luke. Assuming
they are not omnicient after death, how do they travel? Or
are they omnipresent? Anomalies would appear to indicate that
the persona of dead Jedi can't be manifested other than in the
presence of a Jedi who was there when they died. For instance,
Obi Wan SHOULD have been able to warn Luke et al. of the trap
set by the Emperor, and I assume he didn't because he didn't KNOW
about it. I suggest that dead Jedi in fact just live on as
mental patterns within the mind of another Jedi mind. That there
is advantage to dying in the presence of such a mind--i.e. you
can then live on at least etherially--whereas if you die in
isolation your aura has no place to go. This is why Obi-Wan smiled
before Darth killed him... He knew that "if you strike me down I
shall become far stronger than even you realize, Darth". This
is why Yoda conveniently died with Luke nearby---and perhaps even
why Yoda had Luke return to his side after all his training was
finished. It also possibly explains why Luke's father appeared
a fraction of a second after the others... Each persona took some
strength from the force to materialize. There is probably a limit
to how many persona one Jedi can carry around and regenerate.

wallace@ucbcad.UUCP (06/18/83)

ucbcad!wallace    Jun 17 23:06:00 1983

Re: Jedi Afterlife

As I recall, Obi-wan appeared to Yoda in TESB (just after Luke leaves the
planet to go after Vader).  That was when he made the comment about the
"other".  If true, that would seem to disprove the theory that Jedi live
on only in the minds of other Jedi who see them die, since Luke was no
longer there, and Yoda didn't see Obi-wan die.  Any comments?

Dave "There goes another beautiful theory spoiled by a nasty little fact" 


From:  Michi Wada <WADA@SANDIA.ARPA>

    Date: Tue 14 Jun 83 17:04:27-PDT
    From: Robert Amsler <AMSLER@SRI-AI.ARPA>
    Subject: Jedi Afterlife
         I'm surprised nobody has commented on my hypothesis that these
    persona of dead Jedi are not in fact separate entities, but either
    wholly living WITHIN Luke Skywalker or only able to manifest
    themselves by using Luke as a link into this world.
         Nobody but Luke sees them. Nobody but Luke hears them. ...

   Luke was not the only one to see Obi-Wan after his death.  Yoda spoke to 
Obi-Wan in ESB.  The scene occurs as Luke is leaving the planet and Obi-Wan 
says something about there goes our last hope.  Yoda says no, there is 