ronnie@mit-eddie.UUCP (Ronnie Schnell) (09/01/83)
For those of you reading net.movies.sw, this is about voices in the new arcade game "Star Wars". I would appreciate it if anyone out there would confirm that some of these quotes are from the movie (Star Wars IV). After many conflicting responses to my article, I decided to find out for myself what is said in the game. Equipped with my sister's trusty tape recorder (and, unfortunately, my sister), I marched off to the arcade here in L.A. where I am vacationing. I managed to figure out what everything was with one possible questionable word. Here's what I got in the order in which I heard them (this was not a good game): 1. The force will be with you. Ben Kenobi, when coins is first inserted. 2. Red-5 standin' by. Luke, when credit/trigger button is pushed. 3. I'm on him. Darth Vader, when his ship first comes out. 4. I can't shake 'im. Luke, when enemy ship a lot of shots. 5. Look at the size of that thing. Luke, upon entering the death star at end of attack level (5). 6. Use the force, Luke. Ben, at beginning of catwalk level. 7. I'd hate to drop that, R2. See what you can do with it. Luke, after losing first shield. 8. Luke, trust me. Ben, somewhere in the middle of catwalk level. 9. Yahoo, you're all clear, kid. Han Solo, on site of exhaust port. 10. I have you now. Darth, when his ship first comes out. 11. Red-5, I'm pullin' in. Luke, upon entrance to the death star (6,7,...). 12. Stay/stick low. Ben, in the middle of the catwalk level, when you must stay high. (On this one I'm not sure of the first word.) 13. Force is strong. Darth, upon sight of exhaust port. 14. Great shot, kid. That was one in a million. Han, after shooting exhaust port. (6) 15. Stay in attack formation. Darth, when his ship first comes out. 16. R2, try an' increase the power. Luke, when down to 2 shields. 17. We've lost R2. Luke, when shields are gone. 18. Remember, the force will be with you, always. Ben, after game ends. All the things Darth Vader says come up on random waves. Also, in the game these words were take from, I started on wave 5. On Monday, I was at Atari's coin-op executive offices (Plug: trying to sell them an arcade game idea, so if anyone is in the market, send mail), and Mike Friedman ( manager in charge of licensing and also on the Star Wars development team), is sending me an actual list of what is said. - Ron (..decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!ronnie) (ronnie@mit-mc)
jdi@psuvax.UUCP (09/02/83)
Actually, Biggs -- Red 2, the one who saves luke from a Tie-fighter at one point, is the person who says "Look at the size of that thing"