[net.movies.sw] Video copies of TESB, ROTJ.

bob@hp-dcde.UUCP (11/27/83)

hp-dcde!bob    Nov 25 13:38:00 1983

What about video tapes?

Since Lucas hasn't released TESB or ROTJ to cable or other video
sources, any video tape of these you see has got to be black market.
How do you folks view the use and/or copying of such material?

				Bob Hallissy
				Hewlett Packard

mcewan@uiucdcs.UUCP (12/01/83)

uiucdcs!mcewan    Nov 30 22:20:00 1983

I have heard that, due to the fact that so many black market copies are
being made anyway, both TESB and ROTJ will be released on tape and disc
shortly. I will not swear to this, but my source is usually reliable.

				Scott McEwan

twt@uicsl.UUCP (12/02/83)

uicsl!twt    Dec  1 17:51:00 1983

Black market tapes may be illegal, and I wouldn't make any (I wouldn't know how
to anyway).  I have been known to tape things off the airwaves:   Soap Operas,
Favorite Old Movies (Harvey & Casablanca to name a couple), and even things
from pay TV (ANH).  And, even though I personally wouldn't make any, and 
probably would not pay an extreme amount for one, if S. Claus dropped one off
under my tree, I certainly wouldn't ask where it came from.

Mary (surprised this group is still alive) Todd

akp@isrnix.UUCP (12/06/83)

isrnix!akp    Dec  5 16:59:00 1983

It's not all that tough, making "black-market" copies of tapes. It's the
same way you make a "legit" copy: run two VCR's, one PLAYing the tape,
the other RECORDing onto a blank. Hook up the cables so they talk to one
another, and BAM! Copied tapes.  The copy tends to lose some quality,
and at about the fourth generation (copy of a copy of a copy of a copy)
it's unmistakable.						-- Allan Pratt